Hey there. I've been on this site for a while now (about three months) but I'm currently having a small meltdown.
I have been incredibly faithful in my documentation of all of the food I eat. I have also been exercising fairly regularly, I work as a waitress so I'm on my feet for up to 11 hours on end, carry heavy trays etc plus I do strength training at home. I average about 8 glasses of water a day.

My problem is that after all of this time I have not managed to lose any weight. Instead I seem to have gained four pounds (going from 135 to 139).
I'm a nineteen year old female who has celiac disease (I cannot eat anything with wheat/gluten in it). Because of my disease I am forced to avoid many of the "Bad foods" such as baked goods and fried food.

I just don't understand why I cannot seem to drop the weight. After all I've been doing when I look at the scale I'm always discouraged. Anyone have any thoughts on what else I can do to lose my problem 15 lbs?


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    What are you netting for calories in a day? Your diary is currently closed, but being as active as you are I'd check your activity level settings, your chosen rate of weight loss etc. Don't be afraid of "more" calories, I was at 1600 calories a day and stopped losing, I increased it and have been losing just fine when I'm eating 2000 calories a day. You need to fuel your body properly for what you're asking of it.
  • bookworm03
    bookworm03 Posts: 88 Member
    When I was a waitress I had to increase my calories to lose.
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    It is always harder for people who want to lose smaller amounts of weight to get them off because you lose it very small amounts at a time and your body weight can fluctuate several pounds a day, especially at your age. Make sure that your target weight is a healthy weight for you. I ONLY say this because I often see young people who are already at a very healthy weight trying to drop to the lowest spectrum, or below, of their weight range.

    Next, make sure you are eating enough calories per day for your level of activity, which sounds pretty high.

    Without knowing your height, weight, body type and food diary, it's really hard to give you anything concrete.
  • get_the_skinny
    Thanks for replying!

    My daily goal is 1,350 though I average about 1,200 calories on a normal day.

    I'm 5'4" tall. I currently weigh 139 as of thirty minutes ago. I guess my body type is hourglass figure? My goal is 125-120 lbs

    If I were to increase my intake, how much would you all suggest?
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    are you averaging 1200 calories total consumed through a day or is that what you're eating after exercise... is 1350 your given caloric goal at your chosen activity level and rate of loss? If your rate of loss is anything over 0.5 lbs per week it may be too much being that close to your goal, go to a slower rate of loss, bump up your activity level to allow for your actual activity and log exercise that you go specifically do.
    Like I've got my activity level set to lightly active because my new job was much more than just sitting in a chair fixing computers, I logged any specific trips to the gym or pool or walks around the neighbourhood as exercise and eat those exercise calories back.