OATMEAL lovers!! Please help! Need advice.



  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    For years (pre-MFP) I've eaten oatmeal with butter, brown sugar & chocolate chips. Now that I'm 3 months into my new fit & healthy lifestyle, I've gotten away from the extra fat & sugars.

    Recently I added 1/2 scoop chocolate protein and didn't really enjoy the flavor so I added about 1/4 tsp cocoa powder and it made it tolerable.
    There is a brand that puts out an oatmeal called Lavish. It has cocoa and small bits of chocolate that melt when it cooks. It is an instant oatmeal...pretty darn tasty and not bad nutritionals.
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    I totally love steel cut oats (McCann's Irish). They are not instant, so they take a while to make, but you can do it and then store the leftovers for the next couple of mornings. I eat it with bananas or berries, and a little real maple syrup to sweeten it. They are so filling and delish. I'm not a fan of regular oatmeal.
  • Rajrand
    Rajrand Posts: 13
    this is what we do on stovetop.

    Add 1 cup of oatmeal into few cups of milk (you can choose, whole, skim or almond). You need a good size pot since this will last for whole week.
    As you continue to cook, you need to stir it regularly to avoid oatmeal sicking to the bottom of the pot. Keep an eye on the thickness and you will need to add liquid to it to keep cooking and to maintain the consistency you like

    It takes about 45 minutes before it cooks all the way through. Recently we started to do half whole milk and half water to reduce calories. Towards the end when the oatmeal still hot we add slivered almonds, sometimes raisins and this lasts us for whole week
  • greej
    greej Posts: 37 Member
    I love plain oatmeal (quick oats, microwaved) with a banana, most of an apple, or pan-fried peaches with a teeny bit of butter, and then two tablespoons of chopped pecans, and cinnamon + allspice/cloves. Comes to about 350 calories.

    Though, yesterday I wasn't really in the mood for a hot breakfast, so I had oatmeal, half a cup of 0% fat greek yoghurt mixed in, and a tablespoon of maple syrup. Tasted kind of like rice pudding. Ate with frozen grapes.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Quaker Oats Steel Cut Oatmeal is FANTASTIC. My partner and I both absolutely love it. I add in a little honey and serve with milk, but it's really great plain too!
  • jennyonthespot
    jennyonthespot Posts: 98 Member
    I like the old fashioned Quaker oats. More grainy than the instant stuff. I recently put a splash of vanilla and a little bit of evaporated milk and oh.my.gosh. It tasted like heaven. SO good. It was like I was eating dessert. Healthy dessert!
  • moonflower09
    moonflower09 Posts: 91 Member
    Looks like there are lots of Oatmeal lovers out there. I love it too! I make it often. My trick is to cook it with milk. I use 1/2 cup Old Fashioned oats with 3/4 cup of reduced fat milk. I bring it to a boil then simmer for a few minutes till thick and creamy. My favorite topping is sliced fresh peaches w/ a tsp of brown sugar. Other favorites are sauteed apples with toasted pecans sprinkled on top. Winter favorite is dried prunes w/ walnuts on top. Sometimes I put a dollop of yogurt. I use the other 1/4 cup of milk to pour on the top. Yummmmmm!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Overnight oats made with greek yogurt, a banana, a tablespoon of super-dark cocoa powder, a teeny bit of vanilla extract, and lots of frozen raspberries! LOVE.

    Or, overnight oats with frozen blueberries, banana, cinnamon, and almond butter (or topped with shredded coconut). <3
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    I buy the instant Quaker Oats Maple and Brown Sugar ones. It's so much easier to control portions that way.
  • TheDeviation
    Steel cut oats hands down -> http://www.jefit.com/forum/showthread.php?6268-Steel-Cut-Oats

    Once you eat them, instant oatmeal tastes like mush.
  • dchris99
    dchris99 Posts: 56 Member
    I do steel cut oats as well, it took some getting use to but now I love them. I cook up a batch in the crock pot every Sunday & divide them into 5 containers. Add a little splenda brown sugar, and some sort of fruit. rasins apples cranberries, whatever I have on hand & presto breakfast for the week. Just micro for 1 min & it's done.
    I also add a tsp of the oats uncooked to my protien shakes, it gives them a crunch.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I buy Country Choice Multigrain cereal, which is better than regular oatmeal IMO. I put half a banana, protein powder and honey in it....sooo delish, under 300 calories and keeps me full for a long time in the morning.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I like to make overnight oats:

    1/2 cup old fashioned oats
    1 6-8oz container of fat free yogurt
    1/4 cup milk (regular, coconut, soy, almond, any other type that you want)

    Mix all of that together the night before and enjoy cold. It is really tasty and you can add whatever you like.
  • Janlyn51
    Janlyn51 Posts: 25
    I love the maple, brown sugar (sugar-free). I buy the generic. It is 100 calories. :love:
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I mix 1/4 cup old fashioned oats and 1/8 cup of steel cut oats...gives me just the right consistency of soft and chewy. Add ins depend on whether I'm in a sweet or savory mood. Sweet, I usually go with whey low gold (brown sugar substitute) and almond milk. Savory, I LOVE diced ham, a cut up wedge of laughing cow cheese, a teaspoon of olive oil and water. Microwave till done, and chow down!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my absolute favorite:

    instant oats (i just buy plain generic) with a tsp of cinnamon, a couple tbsps of raisins, and half a packet of Splenda!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    This company makes some tasty stuff! http://www.betteroats.com/ My favorites are the Raw, either the original flavor or the Chai. The Lavish (someone else mentioned it above) is good too...not really chocolaty, but tasty for a change of pace. The store I go to I can usually get a box (5 servings) for a dollar.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    You Steel Cut Oatmeal lovers... thank you SO much for all your fabulous ideas and for sharing how you whip them up in a Crockpot!

    I had to skim through this quick for now but will take more time to reread a bit later... but in the meantime can someone share how long they are cooked overnight? On low for ...what..6-8 hours? All the dried fruits etc. are added in just before turning on the Crockpot I assume? :wink:

    You all are the best sources of Oatmeal info! & I appreciate it :wink: :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    ETA: :happy: Also wanted to mention how I'm loving everyone's add in ideas, regular oatmeal or steel cut lovers, it's great to see so many variations to try out!

    For those of you that enjoy your Steel cut oats have you found a particular brand you favor one more than another?
    Thanks gang, MFP is great because there's always something to learn from another on here and everyone so freely shares:heart: :flowery:
  • 2girlymama
    I found QUICK COOK steel cut oats at the co-op. In the microwave, 2 minutes first, then swish it around a bit, then 2 more minutes. I am completely converted - I only use regular oatmeal for baking now.

    I flavor it up with PLAIN yogurt (less sugar... read on for the secret ingredient...), fresh fruit (frozen strawberries, fresh blue berries, and always always bananas), a little bit of natural sweetener (I use liquid stevia drops), and then either vanilla or almond extract - the secret ingredient! Stir it all up and enjoy! Together, it's an awesome breakfast that completely satisfies me till lunch.

  • 2girlymama
    Sorry...posted twice...