Things that make a woman hotter (girls perspective)



  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    I actually took a trip this week and sat in a room with some old friend describe what is going on with their wives. I immediatley upon arrival home a few days later wrote my wife a letter telling her how much she is appreciated. She shares none of those qualities on that list. Sorry, women like that are out there. She never get's *****y, maybe emotional sometimes, but never *****y. NEVER. Doesn't gossip about friends and family, has a drama free life except for the REAL problems we have come up against.

    And I taught her how to drive a stick when we were teenagers.

    There is no real reason for any adult woman to have that manufactured drama in her life. Unless she is a B$(%#, or is freinds with them.
  • "It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers. "

    Hey! That's actually pretty offensive. I am not dumb just because I am a female. Statistics show that women crash less than men. And, actually, I can drive a stick shift because I grew up with an old car. And I multitask like a boss. While I'm posting this, I'm chatting with two people on Skype and watching TV.

    The rest, I agree with.

    Yup Yup!! Totally agree.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I don't lie, or talk ****. Especially about my best friends. I try to avoid these kinds of people. I LOVE driving stick shift. I am always mulitasking. I take about 10-15 minutes to get ready for a fancy night out. I love cooking.

    The only one that is "me" is not understanding football. This is a choice. I'm just not into watching anything on TV, really.

    Also, the correct form is "they're lying" not "their." "Their" is the possessive form.

    Edit: Even meant as a joke, this was probably a bad idea. There are a lot of idiots, haters and trolls around who could be totally serious about this. From what I've noticed on the forums.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Women are not all the same.
    About 97% of us have no idea what happens in football, we just watch where the ball goes and cheer when you do.

    Count me in the other 3% then. I freaking love football (and most other sports), always have, and I know more about it than most of my male friends ... and they will freely admit it.
    There is NO such thing as a drama-free girl. Face it, we like to gossip and talk ****, even if it means baggin our best friends.

    If that's your definition of drama, then color me drama-free. I DON'T like to gossip or talk **** ... in fact, I will get up and leave the room if the conversation turns nasty about a person who isn't around to defend her/himself.
    Get it in your head that we do take at least an hour or two to get ready. This isn't t be b*tched about. We do it to look good for you, so stop whining and just wait. If you whine about it, its most likely you're not gettin any later.

    I mostly agree with this, and I am not high-maintenance. I don't do anything super complicated with my hair, and I don't wear a lot make-up, but I still need a good hour and a half to get ready for a date. It is what it is, guys. If we didn't try so hard to look good, it would annoy you, and you know it.
    It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers. (Like trying to talk while driving, fixing hair or makeup, changing channels on the radio ect...)

    I could do it if I had to, but I'd prefer not to. And I don't multitask while driving. I do my hair and make-up at home, and my cell phone is usually in my bag in the back seat. Safety first, kids.
    We CAN handle our PMS without snapping. It just makes us feel better, all girls do it. I don't care if they tell you different, their lying. We ALL do it

    Sorry, this one doesn't apply to me either. Nobody ever knows that I'm PMSing because I'm a big girl, and I can handle the cramps and the bloating and the headaches and the sensitivity without acting like a brat. It happens every month. I'm used to it by now. And I don't get any thrill whatsoever out of snapping at people I care about and using PMS as an excuse. Again, I am a grown woman, not a snarling teenage girl.
    We have our "down days" if we don't want to get dressed for the day or wear make up or do our hair. You better get the eff over it, don't mention it if you see us lookin like dogass. Just ignore it and pretend its not happening.

    I really don't think men care nearly as much about this as women do. Unless you start having 5 "down days" a week, he's barely going to notice that you spent all day hanging out at home in sweats with your hair in a messy bun and no makeup on. Hell, he might even think you look sexier that way.
    We will not make your every meal. Unless you don't have arms, then maybe we will consider it.

    I would if he didn't know how to cook. Same with laundry, cleaning, etc. You know what you're getting when you marry someone. If having to cook for him, clean up after him, do his laundry, etc., is that big of a deal, marry someone else. It's not exactly fair to marry a man who has always lived a certain way and then expect him to change because he married you. I'm not saying cooking and cleaning and other household chores are your job because you're a woman; I'm saying if that's what he needs and you stood next to him and said "I do," then don't blame him because you have to cook every meal.
    Love you all dearly, but I HAD to get that out. No one is EVER going to find the perfect match. I adore my husband, ADORE him..but come on. A guy who doesn't fart does NOT exist. I don't mind farting, but when it gets to the point that every rooms smells like **** it gets annoying.

    I completely agree. But this often becomes a self-fulfiling prophecy to the point that people don't even try anymore. They walk around with the comforting thought that "I don't have to be perfect, so I'll do whatever the hell I want and blame it on not being perfect." I'd rather be single forever than be married to someone like that.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    So because I keep seeing posts about what makes a woman hottter, I read them and laughed, but then decided...lets make this game a tad more real.

    About 97% of us have no idea what happens in football, we just watch where the ball goes and cheer when you do.

    There is NO such thing as a drama-free girl. Face it, we like to gossip and talk ****, even if it means baggin our best friends.

    Get it in your head that we do take at least an hour or two to get ready. This isn't t be b*tched about. We do it to look good for you, so stop whining and just wait. If you whine about it, its most likely you're not gettin any later.

    It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers. (Like trying to talk while driving, fixing hair or makeup, changing channels on the radio ect...)

    We CAN handle our PMS without snapping. It just makes us feel better, all girls do it. I don't care if they tell you different, their lying. We ALL do it

    We have our "down days" if we don't want to get dressed for the day or wear make up or do our hair. You better get the eff over it, don't mention it if you see us lookin like dogass. Just ignore it and pretend its not happening.

    We will not make your every meal. Unless you don't have arms, then maybe we will consider it.

    Love you all dearly, but I HAD to get that out. No one is EVER going to find the perfect match. I adore my husband, ADORE him..but come on. A guy who doesn't fart does NOT exist. I don't mind farting, but when it gets to the point that every rooms smells like **** it gets annoying.

    Then apparently I am a man. I disagree with nearly everything you said about women. Infact, this reminds me why most of my friends are guys. ugh
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    . I adore my husband, ADORE him..but come on. A guy who doesn't fart does NOT exist. I don't mind farting, but when it gets to the point that every rooms smells like **** it gets annoying.

    Hilarious!!! My husband farted in the car when I was very pregnant with my 1st and I remember being so irritated by it and naseaus that I started crying. He felt so bad. LOL!!!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    So because I keep seeing posts about what makes a woman hottter, I read them and laughed, but then decided...lets make this game a tad more real.

    About 97% of us have no idea what happens in football, we just watch where the ball goes and cheer when you do.

    There is NO such thing as a drama-free girl. Face it, we like to gossip and talk ****, even if it means baggin our best friends.

    Get it in your head that we do take at least an hour or two to get ready. This isn't t be b*tched about. We do it to look good for you, so stop whining and just wait. If you whine about it, its most likely you're not gettin any later.

    It's 2011, ALOT of us girls don't know how to drive a stick shift. Lets face it girls, we are to dumb to multitask, we are already bad drivers. (Like trying to talk while driving, fixing hair or makeup, changing channels on the radio ect...)

    We CAN handle our PMS without snapping. It just makes us feel better, all girls do it. I don't care if they tell you different, their lying. We ALL do it

    We have our "down days" if we don't want to get dressed for the day or wear make up or do our hair. You better get the eff over it, don't mention it if you see us lookin like dogass. Just ignore it and pretend its not happening.

    We will not make your every meal. Unless you don't have arms, then maybe we will consider it.

    Love you all dearly, but I HAD to get that out. No one is EVER going to find the perfect match. I adore my husband, ADORE him..but come on. A guy who doesn't fart does NOT exist. I don't mind farting, but when it gets to the point that every rooms smells like **** it gets annoying.

    Then apparently I am a man. I disagree with nearly everything you said about women. Infact, this reminds me why most of my friends are guys. ugh

    This is why she clearly said she was joking... The OP was supposed to be funny!
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    ~I can drive a stick
    ~comfort my children
    ~carry a gun in my Jeep
    ~cook dinner every night
    ~fly fish
    ~kiss boo boos
    ~ride a motorcycle
    ~clean the house
    ~hunt our meat

    Yeah, I have the best of both worlds :smile: I don't do football though...
  • Some of you need a damn sense of humor.
  • Some of you need a damn sense of humor.