Gaining Weight while doing everything right!

Hi everyone,

My name is Jackie. My goal weight to lose is 60lbs. I am really frustrated because instead of the scale moving down it is moving up. I gain like 4lbs in a couple of days. Is anyone else having this problem? What do I need to do to see the scale to move down and not up?

thanks Jackie


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    It's difficult to comment fully without being able to see your diary, but a weight increase that rapid won't be fat gain, probably just what you've eaten over the last couple of days. Just toilet visits or water retention due to too much sodium or TOM can cause that kind of fluctuation. Stick with it and you'll see it come down.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    your diary isn`t public so I can`t help on the food end but my guess would be sodium
  • chrisc16
    chrisc16 Posts: 94
    To have weight loss your daily calorie intake must be below your maintenance or base level - that's it. If you're gaining weight your calorie intake is above this base level. But this happens a bit slower than 4 lbs in one week, that seems like fluid weight. Watch your sodium (salt retains water) and you should start to reduce the lbs.
  • akgary
    akgary Posts: 52
    i know for me if i dont right down everything and measure all my food then i dont really lose. try measuring your food and writing everything down maybe that will help so you can see how much sodium your getting
  • akgary
    akgary Posts: 52
    i know for me if i dont right down everything and measure all my food then i dont really lose. try measuring your food and writing everything down maybe that will help so you can see how much sodium your getting
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    4lbs in a couple of days is probably normal fluctuation due to water, time of month or whatever.

    As others have said, watch your sodium. Also, make sure that when you weigh yourself you wear exactly the same clothes or do it naked and that the scales are in the spot.
  • Jlynnharris
    Thanks everyone for the answers. I have been keeping up better with food diary. I now realize I eat a lot process foods. It is more fruits and veggies for me!