50 lbs by christmas



  • Mz_Ambitiouz
    Mz_Ambitiouz Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join as well! Not only is December Christmas, but I will also be graduating from college!!! Ultimately, I would like to be 175, but that seems so far away, so my current target is 200! I am currently 225.8!

    We can do it! I look forward to it!!!
  • friendlyfiasco
    friendlyfiasco Posts: 3 Member
    This may be unrealistic for me, but I love the challenge. Thanks for starting this!
  • friendlyfiasco
    friendlyfiasco Posts: 3 Member
    This forum has given me a great goal to work towards and so far it's working! I've lost 11 pounds in the month of August. I try and do the 30 day shred everyday and walk as often as I can. How is everybody doing, and can anybody make any suggestions for workouts that are easier on knees?