Need help staying on track!

IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
I fell off the wagon about 2 months ago. I stopped working out, starting eating crap food again and I have gained about 6 pounds back UGHH!! I need some serious motivation!! I am 149lbs and 4'11. I really would like to be at 120-125 by Christmas. Is that possible? Would anyone like to start a group challenge with me so I can stay focused? Any advice for staying with it? Thanks in advance!


  • bmb528
    bmb528 Posts: 5 Member
    Honestly, the best feeling in the world is losing weight. When you're on a roll and you see the pounds shedding..the only thing you want to do is continue to work hard to lose the weight. They say it takes 21 days to learn a new habit. So if you work out hard every day and eat exceptionally well for 21 days..your new diet of healthy eating will somehow manage to change into a new lifestyle. You will no longer feel the need to indulge in crappy food, rather you will eat well to feel good. REMEMBER::: eat to live, don't live to eat ;)
  • I would love to joing a group to do some challenges.. just let me know! Welcome back and good luck! You can do it!!!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Try to remember how you felt when you has a nsv and reach for it again.
  • I have a range of work out DVDs varying from yoga to circuit training as well as a gym membership. If I wake up and have the vague thought that I'll exercise today, it normally doesn't happen. Instead, I've set up a routine where I'll do a different exercise each day. For example, today was Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD, yesterday was a Pop Pilates session and tomorrow is Tracy Anderson's Dance Cardio. Having a plan makes me more likely to do it because I've already promised myself to go to the Gym on Saturdays if that makes sense. I also find having the variation of workouts much more fun! That keeps me motivated and stops me getting bored.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I did the same thing back in April and May. I was doing well and then got sick, had some minor injuries, more illness,.... you get the picture. I put on 6 lbs. and finally at the end of May I said enough was enough!!!!! No matter what I was going to exercise. ALso, someone posted a topic on here about responding to posts ebven when you are off the wagon. I remained active on MFP throughout my fall, but this question made me think. I realized I wanted to encourage people, motivate them,give advice,... but I felt I was being a hypocrite by giving the advice! SO, back on the wagon I got and never looked back! It has been 3 months now and I am over half way to my goal.
    I say, make the choice to get back on track and do it! Accept that you will ahve off days where you eat something you shouldn't, don't exercise,... and when it happens go forward and don't look back! If you really want this you can and will do it!!!!
  • 82jojo
    82jojo Posts: 2
    where are you from?
    You fell off the wagon, yes can be easy to do,you really need to be mentally motivated before starting to exercsie and diet!! Try to find something you really enjoy,so I would suggest try new things until you find something you enjoy, even if you think 'oh no,I am not doing that,well just do it' HAVE CONFIDENCE,U CAN DO IT!!we all can just got to keep trying.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    I too have fallen off the wagon that last couple weeks. I would love to join a group challenge. It' so much more motivating. Let me know!!
  • I just left WW and am totally excited about mFP. However, for the last 2 days I've been "planning" to go to the gym. Once I get there I am ok. The getting there part is the problem for me. I would love to join a group where we could all provide encouragement and support. I am pretty sure that the lack of motivation/support is why I never follow through with my dietary plans.
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