Live long die old… Live short die young

This is from my blog - Have a read and add to if you wish to. Thanking you in advance!

As a younger lad I played football, stayed fit and took advantage of my diet as gaining weight didn’t exist within my body. So up to the age of 20/21 I played football at a high level (Professional/Semi professional) with cardio and training being part of my daily routine. Going to the chicken shop, eating chicken and chips, cake and custard, and regularly buying chocolate was ok as my metabolism was high and I was no heavier than 11 stone regardless of the amount of food I ate.

So the change… when I hit about 20/21 I was heavily involved in music as a DJ and my ambition to become a professional footballer faded, as music gave me great satisfaction and enjoyment. As performing to a crowd who loved you felt great (similar to playing football). As most my time was either in the studio, radio or performing, my physical activity came to an abrupt end, I just didn’t have the time to work out. Then all of a sudden working out became a chore I couldn’t be bothered to do it, it was just too much effort – That’s how my mind saw it anyway. At that time I also lived on my own and being on the road regularly meant one thing and one thing only… I ate junk, junk and more junk! SO in the space of 12 months my metabolism slowed down… right down! Lol I was no longer 11 stone, I was… guess?? Nope, not 13 stone, not 14 or 15 but 16!!!

For some reason I couldn’t see it until the people I hadn’t seen for a long time said I was a fatty which hurt my feeling more than I thought! Wanted to cry I tell ya – Loool!

I realised I had to change everything including my diet and start exercising. This was the hardest challenge of my life, attempting to lose 4 stone as soon as possible. Fortunately for me I love a challenge especially to prove my doubters wrong, which I did in 4 months. Went from 16 to 12! This involved a lot of work, football 5 days a week, running, press ups etc, you name it I did it!

Anyway over the next 4/5 years it was a battle to maintain my weight and I would always be between 13-14 stone – however I didn’t look fat, it was more of ‘a muscle build’ even though it wasn’t what I was trying to achieve. I was always told I look to muscley etc. After not understanding why I couldn’t maintain my low ideal weight, I realised my diet and lack of cardio was the reason behind it. I am the type of guy who will open a pack of Haribos and finish it within the hour or have 2 croissants for breakfast with tea which had 3 sugars. Terrible diet I know but I know most can relate! I would eat rice EVERYDAY, maybe twice a day – looking back I reckon my daily intake was at least 3000 per day. I don’t know how I managed to stay within 13-14 stone bracket based on that intake but my diet was awful.

Anyway to make my point since changing my diet, getting in the gym, running and playing football at a good level again I realise how important it is to be healthy and eat correctly. So many people I know eat crap daily and to be fair it shows on their skin, their health and their laziness. And without being too harsh, if you don’t look after yourself, eat your fruits and watch your diet your life will flash before your eyes and you’ll be lost with where time has gone and feel like you are dying young. Whereas being healthy and active, prolongs your days, keeps your fit and you see different aspects of life all together.

So my MFP friends lets encourage the people round us to enjoy life, eat right and stay fit because if they don’t take advantage of the life they have it will fly past them in a flash!!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed the read.