Hello to all

My name is Vicki, aka Medicsgirl210. I am in San Antonio, TX. I will friend everyone. I will be your cheerleader in your success, and will give you a push in the right direction when you feel you are stuck. I am not an expert at weight loss, but I will be right there with you as we all do this together.

I would love to meet people in my area so I have a workout buddy. I can't afford a gym, and why pay someone to walk on a treadmill when we can walk outside for free?

Please feel free to friend me, message me, etc.

I will not be able to check in daily, as the 20 minutes I spend checking messages can be used for a quick workout and engery boost, but when I do check in, I will be answering all who contact me.

Best of luck to all.



  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome aboard!! Plenty of support here. Feel free to add me. Good Luck!!