Timing for Weight Lifting

Any of you "pros" out there know if its true that you should not lift the same muscle group in a 36-48 hour period? I usually lift entire body Monday and Tuesday and Thursday and Friday. Different exercises but all muscle groups. I know rest days are important for recovery but is it ok to lift back to back?


  • trimblt
    trimblt Posts: 14
    I'm no 'pro' but my trainer always tells me not to lift weights back to back days. She says yours muscles need a day to recover and repair.
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    I lift whole body M-W-F, different exercises each day. The day inbetween is important.
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    There are so many opinions about this topic, but from my experience I do same muscles everyday and for as long as your body feels good about it go for it, but if you are tired and hurt give it a rest :-)

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  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    It is 100% true. Try doing full body work 3x week instead M,W,F, or break up your routine into 2. You don't need to work each muscle group 4x/week, that is a bit excessive. If you break your routine into 2 you can work each muscle twice/week, and work them even harder (more sets/reps/exercises on those days, as you have less muscle groups to hit each day.

    Your muscles do most of their growth, and get stronger, during the recovery period, not during the lifting. If you don't let the muscles recover prior to working them again you risk losing, or damaging, muscle.
  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    How hard are you lifting? If you are lifting to the point of failure and your muscles are sore the following day, then you absolutely should not lift the same muscle group. Keep in mind that even if you aren't lifting a specific muscle group on a given day, you are still using those muscles to stabilize. For example, it might not be your tricep day, but if you are doing bench press then you are definitely using tricep muscles. I will post my routine below to give you an idea. I have had great success.

    Sunday: 6-13 Mile run
    Monday: 2-2.5 mile run then 90 minutes Chest and Triceps finish with 10 minutes on stairs
    Tuesday: 2-2.5 mile run then 90 minutes Back and Biceps finish with 10 minutes on stairs
    Wednesday: No cardio 90 Minutes legs and shoulders finish with 10 minutes on stairs
    Thursday: 3-5 mile run 45-60minutes Abs finish with 10 minutes on stairs
    Friday: 2-5 mile run 90 minutes full body (light weights high reps) finish with 10 minutes on stairs
    Saturday: Rest day or swap with Friday.

    Hope this helps.
  • I am a registered personal trainer and thought I would just offer some advice on this topic. They do say to have at least 24hrs, so a whole day of rest in between of training a certain muscle group. They say if your a body builder or training with really heavy weights etc to give even more time, like two days in between training. It doesnt matter that they are different exercises since you are still working the same muscle. Rest is important for muscle repair. You could do cardio on your second day or vice versa, or consider training upper body one day and lower body the second, or train chest, tris, quads, abs and calves one day and possiby back, bi's ,hamstrings, glutes and shoulders another day. There are many ways to switch it up without skipping days at the gym. But you will get greater results if you let your body get the rest it needs. In addition if you are looking to advance your training and essentially have results as opposed to just maintaining you will need to train the same muscle group at least twice a week. Hope this helps.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    Thanks everyone! Monday and Thursday I lift with my trainer which is generally heavy since I like to do that with a partner. Tuesday and Thursday I lift on my own...generally lighter weight, more reps. Wednesday and the weekends have been my rest days. I am sore following the days I lift with my trainer but I have been doing lighter weight on the days that follow him. Sounds like I may need to do Monday-Thursday-Saturday weight routine then. I always do 30 mins cardio after lifting and more cardio on the days I dont lift. Guess I will just do cardio on the days I dont lift.