Sports Bra problems

Good Morning Everyone-
Does anyone else have this problem? I recently upped my mileage in running to six plus miles a day, and I find that my sports bra and shorts are rubbing my skin to the point where they are raw! Does anyone else have this problem? Is there anything that I can do? I live in Texas so I get soaked with sweat quite easily...any advice....


  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Yeah, wear a regular bra under your sports bra. Started doing this and it does the trick. Keeps the girls from getting beat up.
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    I always wear a normal bra under my sports because i have a large chest and i HATE Uni-boob....two because it helps with rubbing on my skin...I hate how those bras feel!
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I wear a ShockAbsorber- no seams. I've never had any problems with it
  • asiamonique
    asiamonique Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah, wear a regular bra under your sports bra. Started doing this and it does the trick. Keeps the girls from getting beat up.

    That's a great tip...I normally do get the "raw" feeling from my sports bra!
  • bmccrory2
    bmccrory2 Posts: 84 Member
    You could try to wear "spandex" or sliding shorts or something of that family under what you typically wear so that it will be tight on your legs and not rub? I also have a friend that wears a normal bra under her sports bra and does the trick for her as well.
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    I'm not what you'd call flat-chested - I really like the high-impact sports bras by Danskin. About $11 at Walmart. But then, I don't run...
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    I got the raw feeling too, but I started buying an amazing sports bra online that's for bigger chests. It holds them up an in and the don't move much at all! Also you have to make sure that just like with regular bras you replace them pretty often. I think every 6 months or so...supposedly never let them get to be a year old. I used to wear a regular bra under my cheaper sports bra and that helps. I've also bought a few of the running tanks that whisk away the moisture so the sweat doesn't sit on your clothing...really helps!
  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    I have the same problem but I don't want to wash my bra every day. I have the hardest time finding ones I like. (even from vs) I started putting the tighter shorts on under my regular shorts so that has helped with the rubbing of my legs. My right arm is the only one that rubs so I just hold it out more. Thinking of wearing thin shirt with sleeves to see if it helps my arm. If you have any other suggestions let me know.
    Sherri Sloan
  • CarlaDye
    CarlaDye Posts: 17
    I also sweat alot and get rubbed raw but not from my sports bra. I use a bra from The Bra Lady, it does flatten quite a bit but I don't have to worry about the girls waving to everyone as I go by. My problem is with my underwear and pants. I ride and compete horses so I get rubbed bloody on the insides of my calfs, knees, thighs as well as my crotch and hind end. I found switching from cotton underwear and riding pants to polyester and spandex fabrics have helped. I still get rubbed but am no longer bleeding. Also found underwear that is very thin and no elastic in the legs helped.
  • murdy745
    murdy745 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great tips...ahh the joys of having big boobs :)
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    There is a product called can get it in a sports store...rub it on where you chafe, it works! Vaseline works well in a pinch too.

    I upped my miles in the beginning of the summer and had the same problem...i found a pair of nike running shorts that don't rub, along with a nike compression sports bra. it is the first bra I didn't have to "double bra" to get support

    I haven't had a problem with either ( I have run 12 miles with them on).
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Just wondering with the sports bras and chafing, are we talking sports bras with underwire?
  • chicco57
    chicco57 Posts: 298
    I wear a ShockAbsorber- no seams. I've never had any problems with it

    I 've worn shockabsorber bra's for years and never had a problem, I use level 4 as they give me great support when jogging
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Try some sort of lubricant... vaseline is cheap, Aquaphor by Eucerin is also good (in the lotion aisle at drugstore). Or my favorite is 2Toms SportShield (buy at local running store or online) - applicator is like roll-on deodorant. Others like BodyGlide but I can't stand that one...

    Rub the lube on your bare skin in the areas that have seams or chafe. Can also be used on feet, upper thighs, upper arms - anywhere that tends to rub.

    And of course try to get a sports bra made from wicking (preferably seam-free) material. Expensive, I know but nothing cheap works for my 34DDs.
  • murdy745
    murdy745 Posts: 71 Member
    Update: I went to the sports store and last night and saw they sell special stuff for under your bra and your legs, etc...
    About $6.99.