How much is too much? Or are others just different?



  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    same here. I workout 6 days a week. At minimum an hour a day but most days I workout for 1.5-3hours depending on what I am doing. I love it. I feel great, eat right and am still losing. Its a much better obsession that the alternative. Others just dont understand that great feeling you get after working out.
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    I don't get why she feels this way, but she always seems to believe I am obsessive about something. Having a clean house, matching my clothes, being organized. I think to her she just isn't a type A personality, and I am. Her life is chaotic at best, and she's always losing something, or running around like a chicken.

    My health isn't a issue, I'm not injured, I rest when I want, so I guess all in all, it's good. I feel very appreciative that I have a life that affords me all day to chose what I like to do, but nothing in my life is lacking. Working out helps me deal with the extreme stress that I am under, and it gives me a place to escape. Maybe we all just have to find what works for us.

    Where others may hate working out, I find it to be the best part of my day. I hate burpees, and dead lifts, but after I complete them I feel better.

    Thank you everyone for your support & comments. MFP rocks!!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    You are not working out too much. Silliest thing I've heard. Let's see, some folks have physical jobs for a living, they seem to be doing fine. The smart ones even workout when they are not working, in order to stay fit for their jobs! Some folks are pro athletes, they seem to be in great health. Kids are typically extremely active and they seem to sleep really well. We all start to gain when we enter adult/real life and exercise is no longer as large a part of our lives. The more you are able to exercise, the better in my book.

    Obviously you need to avoid doing stupid things, like not hydrating enough, not warming up, risking injury, etc. The more you work out, the more advanced you become, the more you need to educate yourself about what your body needs and how to take care of yourself in light of what you are doing.

    I have a desk job. I work long hours. I'm a mother of three active boys. I exercise every chance I get. Sometimes that none in a particular day. Sometimes it is 4-5 hours (e.g., weekends: swimming, walking, shopping, cleaning, weight lifting).

    My 17 year old son is a nationally ranked triathlete. He works out 2-6 hours daily. I've learned a lot about what he needs to do that in a healthy way. He has a well rounded workout plan with lots of trainers. He swims, bikes, runs, and does a lot of core conditioning, and stretching.

    Happy exercising!
  • I workout 45 minutes a day 5-6 days a week.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I usually do 60 - 90 min a day, but not all at once. I do an hour of Zumba 6 days a week unless something prevents it. I do two 15 min sets of light strength training (squats, lunges, pushups, etc.) on most work days (4 - 5 days a week). If I tried to do more I'd do nothing but work and exercise so I don't plan on adding any more until I retire.