Newbie from colorado - looking for accountability partners

Profile srockelein
I have roller-coaster ridden most diets out there and now am looking for a plan where I can eat normal food but restrict my caloric intake. This app seems perfect. I love how easy the i-phone app is to use. Absolutely LOVE the scanning tool to be able to scan bar codes. As well as the ability to create recipes of my favorites!

I am also looking into juicing - so if any of you are into juicing - friend me and we can compare recipes! Thanks!


  • dlovesjimma
    dlovesjimma Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Shari,

    I am in CO as well, and would be glad to help. I need to be held accountable as well!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Hey there! Coloradoan here too! I'm all about some accountability.