to tired to eat..what should I do?

Lately my little son hasn't been sleeping at night. I am still continuing with my exercise but I am finding I am to tired to eat. I am not one of those people that can skip a meal and lose weight. To the contrary, I usually gain if I do skip. However, it seems kinda weird to be forcing food down my throat. Should I just assume that my body is trying to tell me something? I know I need the rest but I can't take a nap with a toddler running loose. :)


  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    I was there yesterday after baby was up most of the night teething (and continued to fuss most of the day while his big sister bounced off the walls). I was too tired to exercise though!

    Food will sustain you. The exercise might be adding to your tiredness as your body hasn't had a chance to restore itself from the previous day. Maybe try to give the exercise a break for a day or two. Try to eat something you don't have to prepare, like fresh fruit, veggies, or even yogurt or cereal. Just to get some energy and keep your body functioning.

    Can you get your toddler to have some quiet time with a book or crayons so you can at least chill for a little, even if you don't nap? Hang in there!