Wait............ now i'm all confused



  • aph1234
    aph1234 Posts: 25
    yes you can and it still amazes me how easy it is but its not until you reach that 15 to 20 pound loss that it sinks in best of luck your gonna do it
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Thank you all for your input. Knowing how and why things work are very important for me... even when I'm confused and seem to be causing confusion for others. I set my rate here at 1.5 lbs. loss per week. I put in my sedentary desk job (which seems like a bummer cause I work out so darn much)... so, I'm sure everything's on the up & up. I eat my 1660 calories then log my exercise at the end of the day usually. Thanks again for the support :)

    I'm sure this will work for now, but as you get closer to your goal, I'd encourage you to eat back those exercise calories.

    And I'm not sure that WW was designed for people who burn a ton of calories. They do things like cap your activity points and tell you you don't have to eat them. This works for people who have a lot to lose and/or people who don't burn that much. I'm not sure it's the best plan for those who work out a ton or those who are close to their goal.