Help! I need to stop Emotional Eating!



  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your comments.

    I actually plan out my meals every day and only bring the snacks for the day to work so that I don't mindlessly snack. And I don't carry cash so I don't hit the vending machine.

    Some of you said to eat healthy snacks and drink water. Well, it's Emotional eating. I'm not actually hungry. I KNOW i'm not hungry. I was just upset and it makes me want to snack... even if i feel full.

    I did take some advice from you guys and re-read my food log for the day. I also got a piece of gum and walked downstairs with a co-worker to make some tea. I definitely feel better. For everyone that said workout or clean, I'd love to but I'm at work! If I am at home when I get upset I will try that for sure.

    I really appreciate all of the support. This is one of the reasons I joined this site!


    Great job!
    Hurdle overcome. Easier next time I hope. :)
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks Mr Brown!

    My boyfriend is not so supportive of my weight loss efforts so I really do rely on MFP a lot. I understand you saying just don't do it, but sometimes it's not so easy. I see you are close to your goal and that is really great! All of your hard work is paying off. :)
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks Mr Brown!

    My boyfriend is not so supportive of my weight loss efforts so I really do rely on MFP a lot. I understand you saying just don't do it, but sometimes it's not so easy. I see you are close to your goal and that is really great! All of your hard work is paying off. :)

    Never easy, just necessary. However as you start looking better and better the acquired narcissism helps to allay the desires.
  • beeker75
    beeker75 Posts: 109
    :bigsmile: haha! I never thought about brushing teeth...that would probably work for me cause I HATE eating on freshly brushed teeth! lol

    Honestly I like the going for a walk idea. If you can. The sun on your face, the blood flowing thru your veins, just doing some relaxing breathing...doesnt even have to be a brisk walk, even if its just a stroll, just to get out, clear your head, get away from the cheese stick you really dont want, and free up your mind a little. I hope our posts have granted you a little solace! Be strong sweetie! And I am sending prayers for whatever it is that is vexing you!!:heart: