Help...I have a conflict with my HRM and my calculated MBR

I am wondering if anyone can help me out. During the day I wear a Heart rate monitor. I wear it from about 6:30am until around 8pm. I Never have less than 2000 calories burned at that point. Sometimes more. I know while I sleep I naturally burn more calories. If I go by this minus my calorie intake I a huge calorie deficit like tonight I burned 2300 calories already and have only consumed 1400 calories. I will have about 900 extra calories and haven't counted the calories I am going to burn from now till 6:30am tomorrow....what should I go by ..MFP
and what they say my MBR is or my HRM? UGGG


  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    I am very curious about this too. I am considering wearing mine just to see how many calories I actually burn.
  • Nursebeachnut
    I have been doing this for months...Its my "conscience". If i don't burn enough calories..I don't get my treats...but now someonne just told me the HRM doesn't work that way.....
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Don't know if this is what you are asking because I have no clue what MBR is, but I always use my HRM because that is specific to me. I always find that this site far overestimates my calories burned.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I only use it to measure what I burn during exercise, not BMR.
  • Nursebeachnut
    MBR ...metabolic rate....its what my body burns on a daily basis...not including exercise....and yes my HRM say I burn far less calories than this site does...
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    The HRM doesn't work that way. It's just an estimate when you are working out. I heard the only way to tell your true (if it could ever be really accurate) calorie burn is with the Vo2. Something with oxygen intake. You can try emailing your HRM brand manufacturer and they will be able to give you an accurate explanation as to why the HRM is not made to be worn all day.
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Unless you have a special HRM, they are not intended to be worn all they are not accurate for day long wearing, but rather for periods of time during exercise...not round the clock monitoring. If you're wanting to know what you burn on a dialy basis, maybe consult your doctor and see if they have a more reliable means to check this for that type of time period.
  • Nursebeachnut
    UUUGG! So disappointed. ...Someone was just saying that a Body Bug is more accurate. Anyone have any experience with these?
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    An HRM doesn't really work this way... but something like a BodyBugg does and is intended to be worn all day.
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I have seen others ask this type of question and I'm curious why someone would wonder about it, I do not mean to be rude at all, I really am curious. I am trying to loose weight and the only calories that I add into MFP are the ones I burn while I'm actually working out. I never eat all of my exercise back. I consider any increase in calories burned with daily activity just a bonus that will show up on the scale at the end of my week. How would knowing exactly what my BMR is help?
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I have seen others ask this type of question and I'm curious why someone would wonder about it, I do not mean to be rude at all, I really am curious. I am trying to loose weight and the only calories that I add into MFP are the ones I burn while I'm actually working out. I never eat all of my exercise back. I consider any increase in calories burned with daily activity just a bonus that will show up on the scale at the end of my week. How would knowing exactly what my BMR is help?

    BMR is totally different..thats the calories you burn just being alive and breathing. That number is used to determine how many calories you need daily to maintain/gain or lose weight.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    The Body Bugg is meant to be worn all day so has much more information needed for it, a regular HRM is only meant for exercise and not accurate on regular BMR calories burned.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    ^^THIS. Your HRM is designed to be worn to calculate exercise, not your daily walking around, whatever you do, calorie burn.

    MFP calculates your BMR for you based on info you give. There is a great website for Vo2, some googling.. and you will find it.

    what kind of HRM do you wear? I find that mine, Polar FT7 (Sexy Red) is more accurate than MFP projections or the machines at the gym.

    Good Luck on your journey!
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    A lot of people have these types of questions. Read this thread, its by a guy who is super helpful and if you leave your question on the post he will answer it.

    Trust me this guy know his stuff :)
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    The Body Bugg is meant to be worn all day so has much more information needed for it, a regular HRM is only meant for exercise and not accurate on regular BMR calories burned.

  • Nursebeachnut
    I have the Polar FT4....slate neutral gray! lol
  • Nursebeachnut
    Thanks all. Seems a body bug is in my future. I like to know what calories I burn because calories in/calories out makes sense and works for me. I never want to feel like I am dieting...but that I am living a lifestyle. I like this because i can do this forever. i could never diet forever. So that is why I like to know what my exact calorie in and out are......
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I have seen others ask this type of question and I'm curious why someone would wonder about it, I do not mean to be rude at all, I really am curious. I am trying to loose weight and the only calories that I add into MFP are the ones I burn while I'm actually working out. I never eat all of my exercise back. I consider any increase in calories burned with daily activity just a bonus that will show up on the scale at the end of my week. How would knowing exactly what my BMR is help?

    BMR is totally different..thats the calories you burn just being alive and breathing. That number is used to determine how many calories you need daily to maintain/gain or lose weight.

    Thank you.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    BMR is not 100% accurate!! And is totally different for every person!! The BMR on here is an ESTIMATE and that only, do not rely on these things!! If I went by all the stuff on here I would be consuming well over 3000cals a day based on my BMR and exercise, do what works and is right for you!!
    As for the heart rate monitor no they are not supposed to be worn all day and would give you an inacurate reading, as your weight, muscle density and such are not taken into account which is the same for the BMR. You would need to see a specialist in these areas to determin your exact intake/output. And a VO2 test would also not help as that is a Volume of Oxygen uptake test it is used to measure fitness levels.
    If you are not loosing weight then play with your calorie intake a little maybe 200 cals less/more see what happens or if it is working then acept that and go with it! Dont worry too much about the nitty gritty of it all! Do what works for you!
    And CONGRATULATIONS as you have already taken steps to a healthier, fitter lifestyle!! Good on you!!!!
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I bought a GoFitWear (by body media) a couple of weeks ago. I purchased it from ebay, so it is an older version. The only difference is that it will not work with a smart phone. I love my new little play toy. It tells me my calorie's burned, how many steps I take and how long I lay in the bed and out of that time, how long I sleep. I also put in the foods that I eat and it does the calorie count like MFP.