Why is the calorie burn so different??

At the gym I did an hour on the elliptical and it said I burned 527 calories. The one that I use doesn't go by your weight and I have heard before that the more you weigh the more you burn but I may be wrong. Anyway when I enter it on my exercise it comes up as losing 821 calories. Why the huge difference and which one should I use??


  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    The most accurate way to measure cals out in a good heart rate monitor. That said I would go with the lowest personally as I like to underestimate cals out and over estimate cals in if I'm in this sort of situation. Good burn either way though!
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    It does the same thing when I put in circuit workouts. So I just put in minutes and adjust them to match the calories I burned, even if it shows I worked out longer then I really did.
  • IggyL
    IggyL Posts: 181 Member
    I use WebMD alot when i want to get the best estimate for calorie burn based on weight. Many times MFP is right in sync with WebMD. The only way you can truly get an accurate calorie burn is by using a heart rate monitor.


    Hope this helps. :)
  • jes0704
    jes0704 Posts: 15
    Thanks I was going to use the lower number. You are right I need to get a good HRM, maybe Ill ask my fiance for one as an early Christmas gift.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    The website accounts for your height, gender, and weight. My fiance and I will do the same activities and his calorie burn will be considerably lower than mine, but he's taller and well... less fat. lol

    The website makes an educated guess. I'm too cheap to buy a HRM, so I go with it and try to be accurate in my input.
  • tje3875
    tje3875 Posts: 4
    I find there is a differnce too. . one thing is .. maybe on elliptical you are adding resistance/crossramp, thus making the intensity higher. The myfitness pal counter probably is just a basic count. I find the machines (elliptical) mimic my heart rate monitor..closest. I usually split the difference in logging. hope this helps..
  • resptech97
    resptech97 Posts: 147
    Most of the work out machines are pre-programmed with a starting weight of 150. The amount of calories burned DOES depend on how much you weigh. So I would take the HIGHER amount of calories burned.
  • This is the exact reason why I hate what the machines say. Isn't it so annoying? :smile: I just use a HRM so I know what my calorie burn is not guestimated on what machine I use.
  • jes0704
    jes0704 Posts: 15
    I just checked a site and it says I burned 1042 calories, hmmmmmmmm
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    It's a tough call when the machine doesn't calculate your burn based on weight. If it did, I would definitely say you should go with the machine. However, I've also found that they burn for elliptical in the MFP calculator is only suitable if you have a moderate to high levels of resistance and/or speed. So, in short, I'm not believing either but would do what KayaSamantha suggests and go for the worst case scenario and the lower number.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Weight plays a big factor. You will notice as you lose that it takes longer to get the same calorie burn as you get lighter because your body is becoming more fit and thereby performing better and burning less. Plus I'd have to say it takes more effort to move 350 than 200lbs. I know with just what I've lost I have to keep bumping up the level on our bike to feel the same burn in my workout.
  • At the gym I did an hour on the elliptical and it said I burned 527 calories. The one that I use doesn't go by your weight and I have heard before that the more you weigh the more you burn but I may be wrong. Anyway when I enter it on my exercise it comes up as losing 821 calories. Why the huge difference and which one should I use??

    There are some cheaper ones if you don't want to invest too much money into them. I bought one from Target for $20. It doesn't ask your weight, just your age. But the calories it says burned is accurate because it goes by how hard your heart is pumping, not how much you weigh. No matter how much you weigh, your heart will adjust to that weight and be forced to work more/less, thus producing an accurate calorie burn from your HRM. Otherwise, I would suggest a Bodybugg. Haven't gotten one yet but the best out there is what I've heard from several websites. It is expensive but has so many options including inputing your calories you take in for the day!