daily weigh ins

Hello MFPers!

I used to weigh in everyday but stopped because I became obsessed. I do believe I was loosing weight faster with daily weigh ins but mentally can not take the stress. I want to see how many people weigh in daily. I also want to know if they believe they would have equal success with weekly weigh ins.



  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    I have heart problems, so I HAVE to weigh in every day. It's discouraging when the scale doesn't move, but when it moves in the wrong direction I do catch it pretty quickly and can steer it back before it gets too much. So if I didn't have to weigh every day, I really don't know what my choice would be.

    I know the experts say no more than 1X a week, but I'm also a believer in measurements and clothes telling a better story than the scale.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I do weigh every day. I can't help it! I'm obsessed, but for me, I also think that it helps me stay on track. I fluctuate in weight up to 5 lbs in a day, so it really helps me to watch what I eat. I instantly see a gain if I eat a lot of sodium, and if I didn't see that gain, I would probably let it slide and keep eating bad.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I try not to weigh daily - its a bad habbit.
    Afriend of mine is using one of those herbal weightloss centers and they have her come in daily to weigh in - i think that is rediculous!!!!
  • DSummersCM
    Its hard for me not to weigh in every single day, but I don't let myself. Only once a week. I am seeing more progress in my measurements and clothes, so it keeps me from getting so frustrated with the scale!
  • knitnurse72
    I do weigh myself every day, but I only enter it here once a week, on my "weigh-in day". I find weighing myself every morning (and sometimes even throughout the day) often helps keep me on track, but I only count the "official" weight on Monday mornings. I guess I'm a bit obsessed with it too but try to look at how I do on a weekly basis, not a daily basis.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I do every day just for curiosity's sake. It doesn't discourage me one way or the other, I just like seeing how my daily diet and exercise affects my body.

    I only officially weigh in once a week.
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm a once a weeker...I, like you, was totally stressed when I was doing it every day.
  • sharrison1969
    I try not to weigh-in too much through the week. I have weeks where I weigh-in every two or three days,but never daily. I did this in the past and I became discouraged and obsessive over the issue. Try weekly weigh-ins. I had to move my scale at one time so I could not get to eat as easily.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I do daily, but I don't stress about it daily...it just reminds me I'm going in the right , or wrong, direction.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I weigh myself everyday twice a day simply because I'm trying to get used to the fluctuations my body goes through, the differences between morning and evening weight, weight gain/loss during "that time of the month", and all that jazz. It doesn't bother me if there's not a difference every day because I know that's not going to happen. It's enough that I can see that little number every day and affirm what I've already lost and what I'll be losing.
  • francena84
    Hello MFPers!

    I used to weigh in everyday but stopped because I became obsessed. I do believe I was loosing weight faster with daily weigh ins but mentally can not take the stress. I want to see how many people weigh in daily. I also want to know if they believe they would have equal success with weekly weigh ins.


    Girl let me tell you, we are the same, i was obsessed with weighing in everyday, my scale would give me different readings every morning, I would get so discouraged sooo now I hid the scale and will only weight in on the 1st and 15th of each month..
  • rat70
    rat70 Posts: 129 Member
    I weigh myself everyday even though I have seen plenty of advice not to. I think it comes down to your attitude toward it. I know that I am on the right track and don't need to see the scale move down all the time. I also know that my weight will not be static (going either up or down) throughout the week for any number of reasons. I don't let what the scales say each morning affect my mood or what I do for the day. However, I think that if my weight isn't going to move for the week it is better for me mentally if I see that as a possibility developing over a few days rather than it coming as a shock on Monday morning after a week of 'doing everything right'. However, if you feel that weighing every day is going to set your mood for the day, probably better that you don't. That said, I have also read about research that said people who weight themselves everyday are more likely to lose weight and keep it off - the scales keeping you accountable, I guess. Hope that helps even if it was a bit of a bet each way - LOL!
  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    I do weigh every day. I can't help it! I'm obsessed, but for me, I also think that it helps me stay on track. I fluctuate in weight up to 5 lbs in a day, so it really helps me to watch what I eat. I instantly see a gain if I eat a lot of sodium, and if I didn't see that gain, I would probably let it slide and keep eating bad.

    Thanks for posting this! This led me to checking what I've eaten over the few days I've started weighing daily. One day I went over my sodium level and gained (not much, but who knows could be something in it?) and the yesterday I was about 1300 under my sodium and the scales said I lost. Maybe something there?!?
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    I get on the scale everyday. I'm just too curious to only do it weekly.
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    I get on the scale everyday. I'm just too curious to only do it weekly.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I do better with eating and working out when I know I'm only weighing once a week. It's my ONE shot and if I blow it, that's a week lost. So weighing once a week really keeps me accountable. When I'm up a couple lbs of water weight, however, I weigh every couple days but I don't log anything until it's my official weigh in day.
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    I do daily weigh ins. I suppose it's not necessary now that I'm counting calories. I can see how it can become obsessive though. I used to play Russian Roulette with the scale before I was counting calories because I didn't know what was the right amount for me to eat and wanted to see what I could get away with. Counting calories is a better way to keep track rather than the scale every day though. Do what works for you.
  • amaflo
    amaflo Posts: 7
    I weigh myself daily using Wii Fit Plus. It encourages me to make healthier choices throughout the day. I only record loss on MFP. For instance, if I weigh .5 lbs more than I did yesterday, I don't record that on MFP. I only record what I'm losing, and I lose enough to record about two or three times a week. I definitely take into account if I'm gaining muscle, eating too much sodium, not drinking enough water, etc. So, it doesn't discourage me if I gain.

    The best thing about using the Wii to keep track of my weight is the option to look at the graph of how much I've lost in the long run. I LOVE to zoom out and see that steady (though slightly fluctuating) drop in the lbs. :) So, it's definitely motivating.

    On the flip side, if I had a "normal" scale, I probably would only weigh myself every one or two weeks.
  • KristensMom314
    KristensMom314 Posts: 76 Member
    I try to limit myself to twice a week. The loss looks bigger. :)
  • KRhyan16
    Weighing in is definitely a bad habit for me. I do believe I am obsessed so I'm actually really glad you don't do it too often. When I wake up, before AND after anything comes in or goes out, and before bed is when I weigh in. Please dont pick up this habit. It'll drive you crazy.