George Forman Grill?!



  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I love making my hamburgers on it. My dad used to put veggies like zucchini and stuff on there as well, which wasn't so bad. I'm also a fan of kielbasa (since I'm Polish) so I throw it on there to get rid of some of the fat.
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
    I would die with out it..... But I eat grilled chicken for 2 outta 3 meals a day. And just cooking for myself, it's super easy to just put one to cook on there, while I make my salad, and then it's all done about the same time and I didn't even have to think about it. It takes so much less time too, since it's cooking on both sides than on the stove top (the only other way I cook chicken). So yeah, I'm definitely a fan.

    Thankyou for responding!! Which grill do you have? I noticed they have different kinds and I want one for mainly single use!
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    We have the smallest, most basic GF grill - and I think it makes chicken breasts better than any other thing I have! Daughter also has one, and loves it.

    Good investment - even the basic, small model.
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    I also prefer The Griddler. We had a George Forman but this cleans up much easier and has more options.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I love my GF grill and do veggies almost as much as chicken. Being from the south where everyone thinks fried, I have surprised them all with "Grilled Green Tomatoes". They love them! Just spray a little non stick cooking spray on the GF, slice green tomatoes add a little black pepper and grill. No battering. They make fantastic sides, and hubby loves them on a burger.
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    I love mine. I use it to grill veggies and tofu, so not so much as a fat reducer, but as a quick grilling option.
  • momocurti
    momocurti Posts: 152 Member
    LOVE MINE! I got my first one about 10 years ago as a joke (my mom thought it would be funny for some reason) and I ended up using it ALL THE TIME. It finally died about 6 months ago and I had to go out and buy a new one the very next day. I got the family sized one and cook for my family on it at least three or four times a week.