NEW GROUP: 20 Down by Halloween! Join NOW!



  • JackeeW
    JackeeW Posts: 72
    Sounds good to me! I'll be waiting for your instructions, oh fearless leader =P

    If I'm the leader, you should be afraid. ;) *looks at the big fat ZERO on the ticker below*
  • You always have to start some where!
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I'd like to jump in too, and this will also be my first challenge!

    I'm 27 years old, working as a 9-1-1 dispatcher, and getting married in September of 2013 to the best future hubby ever. I've pretty much struggled with my weight my entire life, and my doctor gave me a real shock when we started talking about gastric bypass and blood pressure medicine. My ultimate goal is to not buy a plus sized wedding dress!
  • Oh Yes, I need this!!

    I'm a mommy of 3 and step of 1 :) Just recently married the Love of my Life, we were prego, but I lost the baby and now the wedding is over I need something else to focus on.

    I have started calorie counting and excercising. My goal is to maintain the 1200 calories a day and excercise 4-5 times a week even if it's a 15 minute walk.

    We are planning on trying to get prego again, but until then I need to shed some weight. I weigh now what I weighed when I gave birth to my oldest and weigh more than I have my whole life. Don't want to have to loose this 50 lbs on top of another 30!!

    Thanks for making this group, it's going to be great!!
  • So what was the real shock when you talked about gastric bypass?
  • I hope i still make the cut because ive been looking for something like this! I love friendly competition! My name is Amanda, Im from MS 21 years old with a sweet 18mo son. I also am married. Ive been fit before and the whole "college, child, marriage happily ever after" hit and so did the weight. im currently around 194ish and would love the possibility of losing 20lbs by halloween!! Let me know~
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member

    Count me in! It all sounds good to me so just let me know what we need to do...
  • JackeeW
    JackeeW Posts: 72
    I hope i still make the cut because ive been looking for something like this! I love friendly competition! My name is Amanda, Im from MS 21 years old with a sweet 18mo son. I also am married. Ive been fit before and the whole "college, child, marriage happily ever after" hit and so did the weight. im currently around 194ish and would love the possibility of losing 20lbs by halloween!! Let me know~

    You do! I'll add to the list until midnight when I go to bed so that I can team everyone up tomorrow! Including myself, we've got 34 signed up so far!
  • 34is amazing! i cant wait!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I'd love to join in this group. My name is Erica. I'm 25 and just moved out on my own to live in NYC. I exercise about 4-5 times a week and am just getting serious with running and am trying to improve my distance. My favorite workout though is my weekly boxing class! I'd like to be down about about 20 pounds by halloween with all of you fine people.
  • symota
    symota Posts: 12
    I'd love to join if I can sneak in near the deadline!

    I'm a 41 year old mom of 9 great children, married for 20 years, homeschooling, football fan with 4 boys in football, and gearing up for soccer season to begin, too!

    I've been doing The 30-Day Shred, and plan to give it another go when I finish next week.
  • mcmcmcshane
    mcmcmcshane Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in!! My goal is to lose 2lbs per week for a year - & after dropping 27lbs I hit a plateau & haven't lost anything in 3 weeks. This is the perfect way to get a boost! Short term goals are great for regaining motivation! Thanks!!
  • I'm in!!!! My name is nick I'm married 4 beautiful kids.....and I'm trying to lose the weight for my family! Let me know what else I need to do. :)
  • JackeeW
    JackeeW Posts: 72
    YAY! Looks like we've got our group! There's 38 of us!

    What do y'all feel is a good size "team"? I'm thinking of having 5 teams total: 4 teams of 8 and 1 team of 6. Or would y'all rather see more teams with a smaller amount of members per team?

    Remember, the point of teams is so that you can have more personalized motivation and accountability throughout the challenge, even though we'll all be rooting one another on as well. Having a team will insure that someone is looking for you to checkin and is personally paying attention to your goals and your feed.


    PS: I'll reply back HERE on this thread tomorrow with the final team information! ;)
  • westcoastchic
    westcoastchic Posts: 22 Member
    If you want to round up your number to 40 and need another person or two - I'm in :) If not, no worries.
    I'm a 28 year old teacher who is about to go back to work after relaxing and renovating my new house all summer :) This would be great to get back on track.
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    Is it too late to join?
    id love to be a part of this group! I want to lose another 30ish pounds and have been stuck at a plateau for the last month. I would love to hit my goal by my 25th birthday (november 6th, 1 week after halloween) so this would be great for me!
  • gullettgirl
    gullettgirl Posts: 52 Member
    Those teams sound great! Looking forward to meeting my team!
  • I think any amount is fine as long as there arent too many people in one group (like 10) or as long as there arent too many groups (4 members per group for 40 people, ten teams might get confusing) but really its up to you i think we could all handle long as we are in it lol and thanks again for getting this started!
  • I think any amount is fine as long as there arent too many people in one group (like 10) or as long as there arent too many groups (4 members per group for 40 people, ten teams might get confusing) but really its up to you i think we could all handle long as we are in it lol and thanks again for getting this started!

    yea same here
  • I am in! :) I am a wife and a Mom of a 7 year old and a 4 year old. I am an elementary teacher and I run a dog rescue. I teach Spin at the local Y and exercsie everyday, but the weight is NOT coming off! It is definitely my bad food choices. I am heavier than I have ever been and this includes pregnancy! ugh! Looking forward to dropping 20! :)