I am new here.


I just joined MFP after hearing about this from a poster on a Investing Forum. Liked the speal, it seemed slightly easier than some of the ones I had joined & left a while back - ClearPlate & some others.

I start participating in such sites with good intentions but within a few weeks, lose track/interest or life happens & I get busy doing other not related things. Every time I get on the weighing machine, I feel like cursing (I don't know who) as not a pound less, the number does not budge, keeps in the range between between 161 to 164 lbs.

I see other people all around me losing lbs, and although I try to keep my eating straight & narrow it does not have any effect.

My right thigh is quite weak after multiple knee replacements due to a road accident & so am limited some in exercising. I cannot go any faster than 1.5m/hr on treadmill & when I try my calf starts hurting. I do some recumbent bike for 25mins, but the machine monitor shows no more than about 55 to 60 cal spent. I have been driving down for 2 yrs to a Trainer( 3 of us in that 1hr class) twice a week. Rest of the days I cannot do s..t at home.. I have a stationery bike & a treadmill at home but nothing short of a firing squad will motivate me to get on those wretched things. I cannot seem to exercise by myself, I have to be with somebody to work out (Have not been able to find a Workout buddy yet in all these years).

I am a diabetic and also some of my medications have a side effect of preventing weight loss or let us say of making me gain weight. I have no way around these meds. as per my Doc, or the health complications may be much worse than not able to lose any weight.

Anyway that was my sad & frustrating rant, I have to lose about 15lbs to be in my recommended range & to push my BMI from the overweight 27.5 to under 25. I want to & hope I can keep up with this site & continue to do my diet & exercise. Wish me luck guys. Bye now.javascript:add_smiley('happy','topic_body')


  • You'll need more than good luck, sounds like, you need confidence. Note my counter, that is the most I have ever weighed. So it starts from here. Read my bio and see that you are not alone in limitation, and you are not alone in goal. Be cool! :glasses:
  • Just keep with it! The MFP phone app is great and usually much more convenient if you have a smart phone. That way, if you are out eating, you can look up some of the menu items BEFORE you order :)

    You can do it!
  • One of the great things about this site is that there are so many people with so many stories, and all of them are ready and willing to support you. While it may give calorie goals, help you figure out planning, and is massively accessible (I have it on my smartphone, too) really the best thing is the people. That's what you need when you're down or frustrated, not another number flashing red at you. And the people here are great. Everyone's going through something trying to better our weight and health so everyone here knows how important that support can be. We're here for you! Who needs luck when you've got so many friends? :flowerforyou: