I am CONCERNED! I have gained three pounds this week. The only different thing is I got a new gym (high quality bench with bicep curl attachment and back shoulder attachment). I fear that I am putting on more muscle because I have increased my workout and weights. I am gaining more in muscle than losing in fat. :( Any advice?


  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    What's wrong with gaining muscle? It looks like you have done an amazing job losing weight. You should be proud of yourself and not freak out. It probably is the new routine with the weights.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I wouldn't necessarily be afraid of adding muscle. For one thing, more muscle mass will make it easier to burn more of the fat. For another, if you look at your situation from a % body fat standpoint, more lean body mass relative to fat means a lower percent body fat and a healthier you! If you are really concerned about not adding a lot of muscle mass for any reason (and I do get that...I want to tone more than bulk myself), remember to focus your strength training on fewer sets with less weight and more reps per set. You've done an outstanding job so far! :smile:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Actually, you are not going to add that much muscle that quickly, but if you've started a new routine, your muscles will hold onto water as part of the repair process. Just keep eating right and working out, and you'll see a drop once your body adjusts to the new routine.
    AZKAOZ Posts: 35
    Thanks, I just want to reach my goal and I fear it feels like a plateau :) I will not fear!

    Hopefully it will settle down soon. I don't mind the muscle though. My arms feel harder and its cool but I want to reach my goal!

    Thanks for the support :)