Friends Needed....



  • chozynvessel
    chozynvessel Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome aboard and way to make a decision early to try to make steps toward a "healthy" life for your sake and that of your kids. The journey is not always easy but the first step is deciding to do it and not making any more excuses. You can do this and this website and the individuals on it will inspire you to keep going. My best advice...throw the word "DIET" out the window and really try to reconcile in your mind that you are changing your lifestyle. I have found that with a diet if I screwed up I would say well I messed up anyway I might as well just quit! Now I just say well, I made some mistakes recently but since this is my lifestyle now let me just get back to what I know I need to do. Feel free to friend me and keep up the good work!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Hello welcome aboard! I'm 29 and I've decided I refuse to be 300 pounds when I'm 30. So I am embarking on a rather large weight loss adventure! I thought why stop there I am going to drop down to a weight I haven't seen in a very long time. My motivation is there, as I have finally hit the spot where I want to lose weight for myself. You can do it! I've now been Fast Food and Soda free for 3 weeks, started a gym and haven't missed a day. I am not sure where my boost of energy has came from but I have a pep in my step and ready to finally do this! 20+ pounds lost so far in 3 weeks!

    I also have a kid I'm trying to keep up with. He is one of the most energetic two year olds I've ever seen. He is always saying "chase me daddy!!!! chase!!" and I'll chase him but I wear out so fast. I want to make sure I give myself the best chance to be there for him as long as possible.
  • ostera15
    ostera15 Posts: 23
    Hi Ashley, I'm new here too. I just passed my 20's and looking for motivating friends, add me if you want.