emotional binge eating

okay so i admit im a binge eater. i find comfort from eating out of the following situations: boredom, stress, anxiety, sadness. any suggestions how to avoid this??? who does the same???


  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    I do the same.. I really don't know how to avoid it, I just try to stock healthy food in the house so I will try to eat that first lol. And I always have some water by me that I'm usually chugging down. I just try to put my mind on other things. Sometimes it works, sometimes nothing works >.>
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    I am too. I found out that i had to have snacks available or i'll binge eat. I'm better now but when i started i had carrots, cereal, fiber bars, anything that was healthy and didn't give over my 1250 calorie a day menu. But the key was having snacks throughout my day. I would eat a light breakfast so i could have more in the evening time.
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    I binge when Im very emotional, thank god Ive been feeling pretty happy lately. But emotional eating is what got me to my highest weight. Last year I lost my gramdma, grandpa and uncle (all to cancer) and I would binge all the time! Whatever I could find in the fridge or cabinets I would stuff in my mouth. I would even eat when I wasnt even hungry. Uhg, I could remember that aweful stuffed, gross feeling! I havnt done it in a while, Ive been on track thanks to mfp. Sometimes I do catch myself putting food in my mouth without thinking about it though. I just have to keep reminding myself that Im doing this for my health and that I NEVER want to feel discusting, gross, uncomfortable, bloated, stuffed and sick EVER again!!!

    Just keep healthy foods in your fridge and pantry. I dont allow any junk food in my house because I will eat it!! Im still working on my self-control! lol I also have to have water with me at all times too. It totally helps with the cravings.
    Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    Me too. I just talked with my counselor about this today. She's going to have me keep a log of when I do choose to eat impulsively, or emotionally, and the emotions associated with them so we can identify some triggers. I'm also working to replace those behaviors with new ones, yet to be determined. I'm thinking it will be along the lines of going for a walk, reading a magazine, listening to music, calling a friend, etc...
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    1.try to avoid the situation
    2.all these problems have a point that sets you off(mine are my kids fighting)!
    3.try to keep busy
    4.do some exersice when you feel it coming on...it really does get rid of it..
    5. prepare for it have a great big bowl of fruit cubed up in the fridge so you can just grab it if need be!
  • 1Shohana
    1Shohana Posts: 10
    i just found out yesterday my hubby will be deploying to afghanistan in a matter of months and my brother is going there very soon (theyre both in the military) and not more than an hour ago i found myself looking thru the cabinets and the fridge for food. i even considered going to the store to get junnk.
  • change_happens
    okay so i admit im a binge eater. i find comfort from eating out of the following situations: boredom, stress, anxiety, sadness. any suggestions how to avoid this??? who does the same???

    I eat out of boredom. I have removed everything junky from my cabinets. So, unless i want to binge on peanut butter there is nothing for me to go crazy on. Oh... there is that wilted cabbage in the fridge :) I am too lazy to hop in the car and run to the store to get a soda and chips, so I just find other ways to keep myself busy.

    Strap a pedometer to your hip and when you get the munchies just get up and march in place while watching tv or something. It has been working for me.
  • sonjalucia
    sonjalucia Posts: 120 Member
    Don't give in ladies!!!!!

    I find that I binge when I decide it's my cheat meal.

    I decided to do meals instead of a full day because then it would be easier to get on track for the next day. I even did the cheat lunch, so that dinner was back to healthy.

    Most of the time it works, and other times I go ALL out for the full day and can't stop myself. I feel miserable and yucky after, but sometimes can't help wanting the next cheat meal to come along sooner...

    It could be, that we are not eating enough to begin with and that when *kitten* hits the fan we say "forget it, I"m going all out".

    There has to be a way to curb this.
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    i just found out yesterday my hubby will be deploying to afghanistan in a matter of months and my brother is going there very soon (theyre both in the military) and not more than an hour ago i found myself looking thru the cabinets and the fridge for food. i even considered going to the store to get junnk.

    You have to be strong! They say behind every strong man is an even stronger woman!!! Hang in there and dont let your emotions get the best of you.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I get bad at the binge eating too - especially if I'm stressed or bored. One thing that helped was that I agreed to help a friend with a project so now after work I go home, have dinner and then work on the project. I get really sucked into it and then suddenly it's bedtime and I haven't binged. It's just good to have something to work on that you enjoy and gives you something else to focus on.
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    MIne just got back from 8 mth deployment in Iraq and it just motivated me the whole time to eat healthier. You can do it!
  • akashastrega
    I am also an emotional eater. Stress especially sends me looking for comfort food...which isn't one damned healthy thing!! In fact, this past weekend, my cell was stolen (it had a LOT of personal info stored on it) AND I had my nephew's birthday party to go to. After almost 2 hours dealing with getting my sim canceled and going through insurance for a replacement I headed to my sisters for my nephews birthday BBQ. I ate a handful of burgers (only one with a bun), a couple of hot dogs, ice cream, cake, and so on. I KNEW I WAS BINGING, and I could not stop myself. I did however make some healthy choices in my binge...I didn't use buns for all the the hamburgers and none at all for the hot dogs, and I had a huge plate of cut melon over potato chips. Don't get me wrong, I blew my diet big time, but I at least was AWARE that I was binging, and as such was able to at least attempt to make healthy choices even if I couldn't manage to stop myself outright from stuffing my face.

    Oddly enough, after eating easily 2 days worth of calories or more I was still hungry, yet on days when I am not stressed I cn very easily stay within my 1500ish calories and do not suffer hunger pangs!!

    My only advice would be this::
    ►Be gentle with yourself. If you beat yourself up for binging, you may end up scarfing even more.
    ►Be aware that you have been triggered, and do your best to make a healthy choice or 2--even if you cannot stop the binge, perhaps you can at least make healthy binge choices...and that's a start...baby steps and all that.
    ►If you have been triggered, see if you can find an alternative...if not see the first 2 suggestions, then practice deep breathing. I use a deep in breath and visualize PEACE or RELAX (usually my kids laughing or a warm beach in Hawai'i), then a long out breath of STRESS (and try to push out anything that is causing me to trigger). I visualize this and breathe this way until I feel my body has more peace or relaxation than stress. It takes practice though, and having a happy place to visualize really helps.

    Good luck, you are certainly NOT alone in this...and if you ever find the answer, please let us all know what the trick is!!
  • inthequiet
    I don't actually eat enough all day then dinner comes and I usually eat too much and it ends up being unhealthy food. What I've started doing that helps me is drinking water. Lots of water. Also asking myself if I'm going to feel better after eating whatever it is I'm thinking about eating, usually the answer is no.. so I don't eat it or I eat just a tiny bit of it instead of stuffing my face. Hope this helped. :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    ok so turn this into a positive(hubby being away),
    get your head into gear now and i don't know how much weight you have to loose or how long he will be away but super suprise him when he comes home with a "new" you!