Hello, I'm new here. Hope to me a new me soon!

Firstly thanks for clicking onto this link.
I was trying to figure out what is my ideal weight and got introduced to this website by google.

I am Delora and 19 this year.
I used to play competitive netball because I'm 5'10 (178cm) in Asian standards, I'm a big tall girl, I like being tall but not the part being called a giant or big... :( I am overweight now..
After not playing for since last year, I could feel myself gaining wieght little by little. Having a boyfriend who is fit but skinny and love food does not help :x

What provoked me for a change is that I want to have a happy university life in a year time and also my mum's friends secretly gossiped about me gaining so much weight and I need to loose some. With a long journey to embark on, I think I need a lot of encouragement and guidance. If you are still reading can you be my friend on here please (:


  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    aww consider yourself added. I have the same problem of my boyfriend loving food (takeouts) we literally live on the about 4times aweek which isnt good for me know as i wont to lose some lbs. So i need confidence in myself and also to learn how to say NO!!! Which is pretty dam hard to a chinese lol. Im ew to this myself but if u ever need anythink dont be afraid to ask i can try my best to help you. All the other people on here are lovely to just remember we are all here for the same thing :):flowerforyou:
  • strawberryshortbread

    It sounds like you are on a bit of a downer especially hearing people gossip about you! that is not nice to hear. I have experienced this myself.

    On here you will get lots of help, advice, encouragement and support and lots of friends too!!!

    add me as a friend if you like i'm always posting on here so we can motivate each other.

    Good luck on the start of your journey
  • Defloraaa
    Defloraaa Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, I know its bad eating out so often. But...really really tough to say no to him!
    Yeah, we shall work towards our new goals!

    Thank you for being so nice! (: