Does it get better?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    i read posts from people talking about how much they love running and exercise.i can barely make it through a brisk walk without running out of question is.
    Does it get better, i see people running and im like "how the heck do they do it!!!!!" i cant even run a block.
    How long did it take for you to get better and how did you do it?
    I hear some people find it enjoyable, to me its like torture! Is it possible for me to one day run and be like' hey this is awesome,'
    What do you think?

    With time you'll get stronger, leaner, your endurance will increase, and it will get easier, but it takes time and patients and motivation to keep wanting more. You may learn that freeing feeling of putting miles and miles of road on a single pair of shoes as you leave the person you were and the troubles you had two steps behind. You may find the clarity in throught that running brings people, I have a friend who solves all of life's issues on the trail. You may be a dancie, dance person who (like me) finds the perfect songs to get in tune with motivating you along the way (blackeyed peas when I'm crusing without issue, a little "I need a hero" 80's throw back when my strength is seeping). You may be the type of person that gets sheer and childlike joy out of the sense of accomplishment from finally defeating that monster hill, and now you're ready for the next challenge because you're tired of the last one being too easy. You may be the type of person who just needs to buy a bike instead.