Needing a kick up the bum....

You would think that with a holiday in 3 1/2 weeks I would be eating as well as poss and working out daily.... for some reason for the last few days my motivation has vanished! I am not excercising and eating rubbish - i think it might be the terrible 'self sabotage' which i seem to specialise in :(

Any suggestions for kickstarting my motivation would be really appreciated!

I'm going to start logging again on MFP which has been nelected for a few days to hopefully scare myself!!!


  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    The logging is a good step. I suggest pre-planning your meals too. That helps me. If I know what I'm having for the entire day, then I don't worry about what to eat and when , eventually making bad choices.

    As for exercise, you just have to make yourself do it until it becomes a habit. It's like making a child take their medicine at first :) Force yourself, find something you enjoy, and in a few weeks, you'll be stressing if you miss it!
  • Milziemooxx
    Milziemooxx Posts: 104 Member
    I am in exactly the same situation as you! I am off to Florida in just under 3 weeks and the past few weeks I have been slacking so much and have lost so much motivation to exercise. But I had a reality check on Tuesday night and started fresh yesterday.

    Maybe find yourself a new dress or swimsuit that you would love to buy for the holiday and set yourself a goal to lose a certain amount of weight and if you lose the amount you set then you can treat yourself to the dress or swimsuit? I know a lot of people do this and it really does motivate you to be good and watch what you eat!

    Good Luck! :wink: xxx
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    Have to agree, nothing like logging those calories to focus the mind.

    You'll be a lot happier on hols and enjoy it more if you've spent the three previous weeks dropping a few pounds.

    Hope you're going somewhere warm. I don't know about Scotland, but summer in Ireland has been bloody cold.

  • Milziemooxx
    Milziemooxx Posts: 104 Member
    The logging is a good step. I suggest pre-planning your meals too. That helps me. If I know what I'm having for the entire day, then I don't worry about what to eat and when , eventually making bad choices.

    I have learnt to start doing this as well. It really does stop you from eating crap and then being too scared to log it later. I made a whole batch of pasta yesterday which I sectioned and had it for dinner last night, for lunch today and for lunch tomorrow :smile: x
  • loubabes1
    loubabes1 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks guys.... so the plan for tonight is to try on my bikini's and dresses for hols and horrify myself into action haha!

    I will log everying (the good, the bad and the terrifying!) and force myself back to the gym!!

    This is helping more than I thought - thanks for the support! :-)

    btw - I'm off to Tenerife - cant wait :-)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    It seems this is not uncommon. Lots of people sort of lose focus just short of a goal. You have made the first step though by recognizing what is happening. Consider yourself kicked up the bum and get back on track young lady, in a very matronly voice....
    You can do this.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    The logging is a good step. I suggest pre-planning your meals too. That helps me. If I know what I'm having for the entire day, then I don't worry about what to eat and when , eventually making bad choices.

    I am another one who has started doing my log for the entire day....

    BISCUITS! I seem to just grab them out of the Cupboard at work as a quick sugar fix and before I know it i've eaten calories that I really shouldn't have.....would have been so much better off with fruit.

    So today is another new day, new motivation - I am going on holidays in 2 weeks too, so I know how you feel :)
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I know what I'm having for the entire day when I wake up in the morning. Part of it is because I'm sure I'm OCD, but a bigger part is because I want to make sure I have good choices available all the time. I love to eat!
  • Ahhhh Luigi. . . all the costellos are lacking in motivation at the moment it would seem. I have not logged on in a few days as I have just been eating crap!!!!!!

    Use your holiday as motivation. . . if you eat well for the next few weeks, you can eat what you want on holiday!! :-)

    Wee cuz
