Getting started, it's a long road ahead...

Hi, my name is Caitlin. I have struggled with weight my whole entire life- I was always the "girl with a good personality", which is great I get it- I'm fun to be around. Now don't get me wrong, I am happily married with two beautiful kids, but I wish I could for once be the one to turn heads when I walk into a room. Other things I want- well obviously is to look healthy, I want to wear fashionable clothes and have them look right on me. I want to be able to look at a picture of myself and not be ashamed or saddened by how I look.
My weight today is 189- I started myfitnesspal a week and 1/2 ago. I don't know what my plan is really- just start loosing! I track my meals, and try to find healthy alternatives for meals I like. I think I need a work-out routine, but its gotta be one that I can easily fit in between work and kids and life in general. I have seen a lot of posts on Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and maybe I will try that out- I can always fit 20 min in somewhere on a day.
I have come here well obviously as a place to track my calories but after looking through the community I am hoping that I can find a support group- and at the same time support others in their weight loss journey
So I guess here is also where I state my goals:
1STGW:175-My weight before I had my 2 kids
GW:135- once I see how that looks on me we will go from there.
So I would love to meet some new people who would like to share with me and embark on this together. So you have a little background I am 5'4", I am 28 yrs old, have two kids ages 3(g) and 4(b). I am happily married, live in a small town in the midwest. I work full time, I love to read and cook. I listen mostly to indie, classic rock, and music from the 60's and 70's. So I guess this is all for now, can't wait to meet you all!


  • gemmap2
    gemmap2 Posts: 3 Member
    hi im new too..itl be good if we can support each through this as i know i need it,its my first week and although im meeting my targets i still feel hungry and want more food and snacks all the time..any one can add me as a friend on here cus i could do with the support to thanx
  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    I am also having the same problem I'm meeting my goals- but still hungry or craving things. I think we are supposed to though you know. Like first of all, I don't know if you know, but I personally do not know how many calories I was consuming daily before I started tracking so our bodies were used to getting x amount of calories and now it is getting this amount. Our body has to get used to the change- until then it is gonna let us know. We are also probably used to giving in to cravings right away so we didn't notice them as much, now we notice them more b/c we aren't just going to give into them easily we are going to fight them right! So maybe as time goes on, our bodies will crave less and be used to less. Of course we are human, we are always going to crave something wether it be chocolate, or french fries, or pizza- we just have to learn 1) what spurs these cravings and how can we avoid these things 2) How can we fight the craving 3) how can we satiate the craving w/o throwing ourselves off.
  • gemmap2
    gemmap2 Posts: 3 Member
    yh your totally right before i started calorie counting i didnt know how many calories i was having but at a guess probably 3000 a day.and your right about our bodys getting used to less.i dont no but is the first week suppose to be the hardest?
    before id eat any time of the day and now im trying to have a routine *trying* so i have set times for eating i dont no if you do that ?
    and iv noticed in the last two days my body has been telling me its dinner time and should eat.i like it.and how do fight these cravings if youve got any tips id be greatful.