Pros/Cons of adding "Friends"



  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    All my MFP friends are virtual! They have been a fantastic support and encouragement with a laugh along the way too. I can't see any cons, if you add someone and don't get along just unfriend them, there's nothing to lose!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    :flowerforyou: One of the best things about MFP is the group of people who show up throught the day to support each other. It's the closest to "unconditional" friendship that I've ever experienced. While I started my experience here with my family and home friends -- they lost interest. One of the keys to letting this work for me is that I have surrounded myself with MFP friends who share similar wight loss goals and maybe have similar home experiences - work full time, single parent, children with weigh loss goals. It took me a little bit to realize that I'm not married to my MFP list of friends so if you "friend" someone who you just dont hit it off with then you can delete them and move forward. AFTER ALL... THIS IS ALL ABOUT YOU... in reality... the MFP population is so positive you will only be missing out if you don't branch out. Best of Luck and Welcome to MFP
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I only have cyber friends here and like being anonymous. It allows me discuss things I wouldn't necessarily face to face with someone. Plus, most people here are very supportive and aren't bored by the topic, since we're all here for the same reason.
  • angijunbug
    angijunbug Posts: 205
    I have 200+ real-life "friends" on facebook......around 65 friends here on MFP, and only like 2 or 3 of them are "real life". I get WAY more support and love here than I do on FB. If I post something about my fitness journey there, it gets no response. Here....gosh, these guys are amazing! I would NEVER be where I am if it weren't for their support. They are incredible. Try won't regret it! :)
    I totally agree! I love my MFP friends! They are super supportive! Y'all are great! Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, I just got here a week ago and while I have worked out the food and excercise logging in, have not yet done anything else. From reading the responses here, it is clear that having a network of MFP friends can be very beneficial. I would love to have some friends in here for the support and motivation; in my real life my social cirlce is not in need of this forum!.

    SW 2009 221 Lbs
    CW 179 Lbs
    GW 149 Lbs
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    Nobody in my real life is interested in joining the site, so I went out and made new "cyber friends". I LOVE my MFP friends! They are real people and I relate to each one differently. They all keep me going in different ways. Words can not express how much I love and adore every one of my MFP friends. I'm closer to some than others, but they all mean alot to me! The only con to it is sometimes you accidentally add a rude one, when you do, just delete them as quick as you added them and move on.

    I love you MORE..LOL xoxo
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :wink: :love:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    There is absolutely no way I would have been able to stick at this without the support of the *cyber* friends I have made on here. They have been so supportive and it is what I needed in order to make this work. I have tried years and years of different diets and plans and nothing has worked for me like MFP has and a huge part of that is the support network and the community feel on here.

    I have however got some real life friends involved because I have raved about it so much and am glad it is helping them along with their journeys as well.
  • shazzamax11
    I've made a lot of cyber friends through here and Facebook and I couldnt do without them. I have few real friends, but they dont want to hear about my weight loss journey and I find that I can be myself on here and be honest about my weight and feelings. Go on and add people, if you dont like them just delete them.

  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Nobody in my real life is interested in joining the site, so I went out and made new "cyber friends". I LOVE my MFP friends! They are real people and I relate to each one differently. They all keep me going in different ways. Words can not express how much I love and adore every one of my MFP friends. I'm closer to some than others, but they all mean alot to me! The only con to it is sometimes you accidentally add a rude one, when you do, just delete them as quick as you added them and move on.

    I love you MORE..LOL xoxo
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :wink: :love:

    Awww! Thanks Vonny Bear!! :blushing:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    None of my real-life friends are on here. And none of my real-life friends understand my weight loss journey. So there ya go.

    ^^^ This! I find it easier to talk about my issues/problems/concerns/goals with people who aren't my real life friends. I can be more open and honest. It's hard to talk to my real life friends about some things, simply b/c a lot of them cannot relate as they have never had a weight problem. I add people on here that 1) have a similar goal as mine, 2) have already accomplished a huge loss and can relate to what I'm going through, 3) are funny and make me laugh so I don't get overwhelmed or 4) are super supportive and motivating.

    Branch out to the cyber world, I have found some amazing people by doing that that add a lot of value to my every day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I love this site. I have one real life friend and only cyber friends.
    They are so supportive and give me advice if i need it.
    You will love this site too. Good luck with your journey:flowerforyou:
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    My MFP friends have been more supportive than a lot of my real friends. They understand what I'm doin here, so they act as my backbone. So absolutely cyber friends!!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Personal choice. Some of my best friends were cyber-friends first, RL friends later.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I struggle with this too. I like having MFP friends if we share some interests, even if it is our weight or goals, or issues...though sometimes i feel like there are so many posts that i can't keep up and am not sure whether i need to respond or not, and well, i want the person as a mfp friend because they are great and super motivating, but posts that take my whole page and challenges and things i just don't know what to do with LOL. I'm sure i must be able to hide posts....gah...okay, so obviously there is a "con" for me in that i haven't figured it out!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    PRO - Great support group!

    CON - My personality makes it difficult for me to NOT take it personally when someone removes me as a friend for no apparent reason. However - after a coupla times (here and in real life)... I have determined that it was their decision to make - and they just don't know what they're missin'! I am a friend worth having. :wink:
  • dk_runs
    dk_runs Posts: 106
    PRO - Great support group!

    CON - My personality makes it difficult for me to NOT take it personally when someone removes me as a friend for no apparent reason. However - after a coupla times (here and in real life)... I have determined that it was their decision to make - and they just don't know what they're missin'! I am a friend worth having. :wink:

    Yes you are...I am glad to have you as one of mine :happy:
  • aprilshowers13
    Pro: Great support system. And depending on who you get, entertainment!! I have one RL friend on here and the rest are cyber friends.

    Cons: You don't always know that persons personality until you add them as a "friend". I used to wonder why people were so exclusive with who they add. A while back I had to delete a few people because they had "issues" that they brought up daily. Issues being poor body image, daily weight flucuation freakouts, overeating but whinning about not losing weight, severely undereating.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I don't personally know a single person on here (that I know of). I have approximately 100 friends, all cyber friends. My friends encourage me, support me, motivate me, and I hope through positive attitude that I am able to do the same for them. I love the accountability of having MFP buddies even though I really don't know them other than what they share on the site. I enjoy spending time not just logging calories in and out, but commenting on friends statuses, participating in the forums. I have learned so much here and have had great success so far. Thank you to all my MFP buddies!!!

    If you are looking for a friend that loves life, maintains a positive attidue, loves to burn calories like crazy, enjoys supporting/encouraging/motivating his friends, and tries to eat healthy.... then send me a quick message and add me as a friend.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I understand the need for fences. I don't like sharing my weight with people that I see on a regular basis. Even when they don't mean to insult, there's that possibility that they might say something like "Dude, you don't look a pound over ABC pounds!" Or "Dude, I told so-and-so how much you weighed and ....." This is one part of my life that I'd like to keep in a nice little box. Quite frankly, my friends (and myself) can be complete tools sometimes.

    I'm definitely not against friends on here but I'd have know them pretty well and they'd have to have pretty similar goals. Quite frankly, I wouldn't mind making some new real life friends here, either.

    For now, I'm content with the support that I get here from cyber friends that have similar goals and journeys.