Cheat Days



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    I don't like to think of it as "cheating". That brings in too much negative feelings. Its a matter of perspective. People who are naturally thin, aren't dieting...or making life style changes do not think in terms of cheat days vs. dieting days.

    Its about living life...and living life in moderation.

    When I began my changes it was with full understanding that I was going to live as normal a life as possible.

    Birthdays, Thanksgiving, 4th of July BBQ's...Christmas....these are events that come up every year and I refuse to not participate like I would normally have.

    The way I figure there are maybe 15 days out of the year...when 90% of American's are celebrating something...and the something usually has some sort of traditional meal....

    On these days...I eat what other eat....For example. Thanksgiving...I will be eating Turkey and Dressing with cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. And...I won't feel guilty about it.

    Even if I have a "cheat day" for holidays...that still lives 350 or so days the rest of the year to eat healthy.
    Good for you! Lots of "health police" hear would claim that there a healthier substitutes............................well then they're right. It's a substitute and not the REAL thing.
    Part of living a good life is ENJOYING it. I don't want to miss a thing, so like you the Holidays are my "bulk up" time.
  • marquesajen
    I don't have cheat days per se. I don't really think of it as cheating. I think of "cheat" food as celebration food. So if my weekend is just starting I have a drink, maybe pizza, but I work out and usually have calories left. I just love riding my bike and walking, so it's like a great day +1!
  • Shawn_Marie
    Friday is my cheat day because that is our pizza night. I look forward to friday pizza night as a treat for behaving all week.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I am looking forward to Tues. because I am going to McD's. But, I plan to stay within my it still cheating? I don't know. It will kind of be a tad celebratory since it will be my first day back to class....a reward for getting through algebra lol.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I don't have cheat days but once a week, I allow myself to eat something out of the ordinary (but still within my calorie range). I don't trow my calories out the window for the entire day.
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    I log every saturday night as best as I can because I'm over at my boyfriend's house and every saturday there is a takeaway but I have been doing well cutting down the portions!
    However he is taking me out for dinner at one of our favourite places before I go to university next month so I think that will be my "cheat meal" but I will be doing a lot of exercise in the day :P
  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    Try treats instead of cheats... if you treat yourself to small portions of things you crave every once and a while, it'll be easier to maintain in the long run. Cheating for an entire day is only going to cheat yourself.

    That's exactly how I feel about it. I have a (small) treat once in a while, but I don't go all out the whole entire day.
    IAMQUEEN Posts: 52
    I cheated on my vacay and I didn't log in my cheats :(. I will be prepared next time. I found myself going into my old ways and I need to be held accountable under social situations like that. I know I will have plenty more of them.
  • BethanyCee
    It depends on my social schedule. Sometimes I go a whole week with no cheat days. Sometimes I have more of a cheat 'long weekend'! I think it's best to keep it flexible and if it happens more than you intended, just go with it. If you beat yourself up over it you're more likely to give up.
  • mrharper68
    I think you allow yourself one day where you can go over. I would not call it cheating though.
    If you are never allowed to indulge in a treat you are bound to fail.
    The key is logging what you eat and filling your cravings in moderation.
    This is not a diet. This should be a lifestyle change. Diets fail because people go back to their old ways after they get off of them.
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    A cheat MEAL is the way to go!
    But I also like to adhere to the 80/20 principle- eat well 80% of the time, and then when things come up (20%) you will be able to enjoy them.
    Another thing to remember- food should never be a reward. Isn't the purpose of why we are here to change old habits? Hopefully replacing them with good/better habits.
    There is nothing wrong with food- yet it should be celebrated as part of a bigger picture. Food shouldn't take center stage!
    Celebrate the fact that strawberries are in season, or that the cherries this year are phenomenal!
  • mrharper68
    Your weight can fluctuate several pounds throughout the day.
    it all depends on how much you sweat, how much water you retain etc...
    Dont let a couple of pounds scare or discourage you. Plus weigh yourself at the same time of the day.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I used to have a cheat evening once a week when I did weight watchers. It was immediately after weigh in and I'd go home and eat something I really enjoy but that usually won't fit in my day. However, I found that the longer I mostly ate healthy the less I wanted things like pizza, chips/fries, Mcdonalds etc so my cheat evening went from being once a week to maybe once a month. I logged everything regardless of whether I went over or not.

    Things like chocolate, cake etc I can fit into my daily calories if I want them so I don't really consider them cheats. Pizza Hut on the other hand I can't work in without it being the only thing I eat that day. And even then I think I'd go over.