just starting this program

Just getting started and I am already feeling a little encouraged and more in control. Thanks for this site!


  • Michelle9939
    That's awesome!
  • annuta21
    I started yesterday and I love it!!!! This site so easy top use and at the end of the day when you see results ( calories of what eat) and calories burned :))))) makes me happy. Good luck!!!!
  • jhartke
    jhartke Posts: 1
    I just starting about a week ago and have already lost 1 lb. It makes a huge difference in your eating habits when you log everything and see how much your actually eating. Keep it up it does work.
  • changeisgood55
    Welcome to all of you! Good to hear you like the site. I do too. Everyone is so supportive which is helpful. Good luck and feel free to friend me if you like!
  • mpcass
    mpcass Posts: 86
    I just started 3 weeks ago and I love it! I know nothing about using computers but this site makes it easy and there is lots of support and encouragment. if you're looking for friends feel free to send me a request.
  • stephlouise123
    im fairly new too and love this site. feel free to add me as a friend :)