What's the best way to loose that pesky baby weight?

Hi everyone,

I recently had a little girl in June and easily lost 30lbs in the first month doing nothing but nursing. However, almost 3 months later the weight loss has slowed and im now wondering what is the best way to get rid of the last 10-15 lbs? Im thinking that at this point it is going to be more about what I eat, especially to get rid of the "pooch". As you can imagine its been quite hard getting exercise in with a fairly young baby, and in my eagerness to accelerate weight loss Ive started and failed at the Insanity workout. Im a big fan of cardio circuits, but feel that im so out of shape due to the 9 months of minimal workout activity that I will have trouble jumping back into something so intensive. What can I do that is "quick" and effective in regards to workout/eating regimine? I really want to get back in shape so I can feel good about my body, fit into my jeans again, and so I can be healthy and energized for my baby. My goal is to get fit enough to do the Tough Mudder Run next October. Im curious to know what worked for other newbie moms out there.


  • I had a baby in June as well. I am doing the 30 Day Shred. It is only 20 minutes and w/ watching calories I have lost 10lbs in a month and a half.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I started with walking on treadmill at an incline 5 weeks after having my baby. The did the 30 day shred dvd 2 months after having him. It was very hard at 1st because of jumping into a hard workout after 9 mos of no exercise that intense but I just kept pushing through it and it worked. I highly reccomend it to try-its only 20 min long and has abs strength and cardio. Of coarse healthy eating will help with it too
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    First of all, welcome. I am a single working mom of 2 babies, so I can relate to the time crunch. I do workout dvds at home and run for my exercising. I don't have a gym membership, and I don't have the time. I still have the "pouch" after losing 50 lbs. I don't believe I will ever be totally flat, but I am happy for how far I have come. I would recommend 30-day shred or ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels. They are intense, but they get the job done. Also, the C25K program is amazing for some good old-fashion cardio. I have never been a runner, but I am not and enjoy it. Congrats on losing the 30 lbs and good luck with the last 10-15 lbs. You can do it with some hard work and dedication.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I agree ^ right after I had my 2 kids I started with Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred and I had a treadmill at home and incorporated walking/jogging/running for 1-2 miles before or after.
  • kgesq
    kgesq Posts: 65 Member
    You should be happy you lost 30 lbs by doing nothing. I did nothing but breastfeed and gained 10 lbs, that was after putting on 5 when I started walking. My advice is always when you hit a plateau (as it seems you may have) to change something. Up your exercise quotient and cut your calories. That may get you past the floor you're on. But lucky you. I'm still trying to get back down to my "home from the hospital weight" so THEN I can start getting back somewhere near pre-pregnancy weight, 16 months post partum!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    My best advice is that you take it day by day. You have to want it real bad, because there is no quick way to get to that. It will take hard work and eating right. But you can do it, it won't happen overnight,
    Count your calores, MFP really has been a great tool for that, I also BF I have a 3 1/2 month and I am losing weight. When I first started running a couple months ago, I could only do like 15 sec, of course I was still recovering but I just took one step at a time. You can do it girl, you are here and asking advice, now take it and make it your own. there are alot of supportive people here.
    Healthy Diet and exercise is what will get you there.
  • Welcome! My baby is now 16 months old and I hung on to the last 15 lbs for MONTHS. Finally decided to try MFP and it fell off (only during weeks where I was being good:) Watching what you each is of course very important but you HAVE to find ways to move. I commute 1 hour each way and sit at desk for 8 hours. As much as anyone I understand the time crucn. But you don't have to kill yourself with cardio for it to be effective. I started squeezing in movement whenever and wherever I could. Squats and calf raises in the breakroom before lunch. Or a 15 minute brisk walk around the building in the afternoon, cleaning while wearing my baby in her carrier. All of these helped.

    Now here's the real secret - Jackie Warner workouts are also perfect because they kick your *kitten* in 15 minutes flat. Short, maximum effectiveness weight training is really nothing more than muscle building cardio. Her video "Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training is a Godsent. I'm not kidding! There are 5 - 15 minute workouts and they work. I've always been athletic and these kick my butt. I sure feel it the next day! I know everyone loves Jillian M. but I don't have 60 minutes to workout. Jackie is the perfect solution for time crunched moms. Just don't buy her first video released in 2008. The workouts are still good, but the trainers are really annoying. She did it right with all videos after that.
  • I would definitely recommend the Jillian Michaels workouts. Her two most popular ones are 30 Day Shred and Ripped In 30. Both are great workout. She uses her 3-2-1 system, which is insanely awesome. In just a 20 minute or so workout, you get some strength training, cardio and abs. All right there during the workout. That's why I love it!!

    Good Luck Girl :)
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    Highly recommend Dustin Mahers Fit Moms For Life!! He works mainly with MOMS!!! Has Babytone and Mamatone. Google him! You won't be disappointed! His goal is to help a million moms in 4 years. Check it out! Have to add that his videos are done with REAL MOMS not REAL MODELS!!! Nothing ticks me off more then seeing the perfect in shape person doing a video..show me someone who is and has struggled to be in and get in shape!! Thats Dustin!!