Need help switching up the routine

Hey All-

I'm kind of new to MFP (started July 5, 2011) and I'm really excited with how things have gone so far. I've lost 19 lbs and I'm almost halfway to my goal! I've definitely watched my calories the whole time, but as far as exercise goes I've stuck solely with cardio. I started out swimming every morning, but now that the community pool is closed I walk/jog every morning for 30-60 minutes. I go 3.5-4mph at 12.5% incline and usually burn between 400 and 800 calories. I keep reading that I need to switch up my routine and do some strength training or weights, but to be honest I'm afraid to change my routine and get lazy or lose discipline. I'm also afraid I won't burn as many caloriesas I do on the treadmill. It's really easy for me to just turn on the treadmill and go... So my questions are-- What are some comprehensive full-body, calorie-burning strength training programs I can follow? How often should I alternate between cardio and strength training for maximum weight loss and toning..and does anyone else struggle with this irrational fear of not staying disciplined when you change your routine?? I'm not afriad of hard work, I really want to lose another 25 pounds-- I will take any advice I can get! Thanks! Steph


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Kudos on dedication, and wanting to start lifting. If you haven't done it before, I would stick to machines. Generally speaking, I haven't seen a gym where they had 2 machines that are identical. So I would do a circuit on them. Start with a weight you can do 10-12 reps on, rest about 90 seconds, then do it again. You could start with 2 sets, then add a third. I would do it 2x's a week, and once you get used to it, (maybe 3-4 weeks) add a third day. You can keep your cardio! You can do them on separate days, or the same. Your'e safe :)
    If you would rather do more of a cardio strength thing, you could try circuit training, where you kind of go form thing to thing to thing, and it keeps your HR up, but I would suggest doing them separately. The machines have diagrams showing you how it works, and how to adjust it, and what you're working. The people at the gym usually just people that are supposed to make sure no ones dies under a barbell or something, will help you if you have a question..
    You're correct about the burn probably being lower, but if you have the time and energy, you can do cardio just as much as you have been. Especially since you're not doing insane amounts. (not to insult. You're doing a perfect amount!)
    I think I got everything in?
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    Kudos on dedication, and wanting to start lifting. If you haven't done it before, I would stick to machines. Generally speaking, I haven't seen a gym where they had 2 machines that are identical. So I would do a circuit on them. Start with a weight you can do 10-12 reps on, rest about 90 seconds, then do it again. You could start with 2 sets, then add a third. I would do it 2x's a week, and once you get used to it, (maybe 3-4 weeks) add a third day. You can keep your cardio! You can do them on separate days, or the same. Your'e safe :)
    If you would rather do more of a cardio strength thing, you could try circuit training, where you kind of go form thing to thing to thing, and it keeps your HR up, but I would suggest doing them separately. The machines have diagrams showing you how it works, and how to adjust it, and what you're working. The people at the gym usually just people that are supposed to make sure no ones dies under a barbell or something, will help you if you have a question..
    You're correct about the burn probably being lower, but if you have the time and energy, you can do cardio just as much as you have been. Especially since you're not doing insane amounts. (not to insult. You're doing a perfect amount!)
    I think I got everything in?
    I completely agree .....I would also add switch ur routines every 6 weeks for muscle confusion and max fat burn. Also while doing cardio add interval runs: walk for 60 sec then Sprint for this 10-15times at the end of ur workout.