Flat belly! HOW??

Ok so I am really trying to tone my belly and obliques and I am doing sit ups and planks and stuff (I do ripped in 90 days), I am looking for some ideas to really push that to the limit I have until Sept. 1st until my 2nd dress fitting for the bridesmaid dress I am wearing the the 17th! My first fitting was today and they have to take it in 4 sizes but they said they will def need to refit me after that cause it is such a great amount to take it! Please help so I can be extra ready for the last one! Thanks


  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Cardio, cardio and more cardio. Got to burn the fat, baby!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    the exercises you are doing will strengthen your muscles but the only way to get a flat belly and have good definition is to burn the fat that's overlaying those muscles. so watch your food intake, cut down your sodium and add lots of cardio to what you are already doing. and congrats on them having to take in the dress so much. :D
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Keep doing what your doing-maybe increase cardio some more but cont with intense ab workouts and clean eating
  • jtcleveland
    all of the above, but especially watch what you eat! eating healthy and little/NO junk food is really what helps trim the fat off your body
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    i never thought I could lose my belly, but managed to through running and cutting sugar (especially refined sugar)

    Sugar is the key!
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    the exercises you are doing will strengthen your muscles but the only way to get a flat belly and have good definition is to burn the fat that's overlaying those muscles. so watch your food intake, cut down your sodium and add lots of cardio to what you are already doing. and congrats on them having to take in the dress so much. :D

    Exactly, but don't cut way back on calories at the same time. Make sure you still eat to your calorie goal each day but be sure to eat clean. (No junk)
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Ok clean no junk! That will be hard since I am a sucker for chocolate! I can be strong! Anymore ideas I love MFP so many helpful people!
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    Everyone's right. A tight tummy has alot more to do w/ eating right than it does w/ training your abs. As another poster said, the sugar is really key (BTW, I still have tons of fruit). You'll see better fat loss by getting some weight training into your program, but cardio is king for overall weightloss (muscles burn fat... more muscle... less fat GENERALL SPEAKING). As for good ab exercises, google or youtube "hanging knee lifts", "hanging leg lifts", and "windshield wipers" (hanging windshield wipers is killer). I'm no expert at this stuff at all, but the above is what I've done and I actually see a little ab definition for the first time in about 12 yrs. Good luck!

    Edit: Oh, and usually I'd say to treat yourself to some chocolate, but if you're killin' it to get to a certain point by a certain day... then do your best to stay away from it. :)
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    i never thought I could lose my belly, but managed to through running and cutting sugar (especially refined sugar)

    Sugar is the key!

    Ah this is my problem. I feel like there is a little bit under my belly button that will never go away! Like it is a separate part of me, fenced off unresponsive to what is going on in the rest of it! Ok no more sugar for me
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Calories in < calories out. Make sure you're eating enough protein, drinking enough water, and sleeping enough. Ready set go.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Thank you so much any comments are helpful! I am going to do more cardio and more crunching and things and I am posting something on meals. Or ideas for meals for a flat belly too so if you have any let me know! Again thank you!
  • mtaylor3348
    mtaylor3348 Posts: 12 Member
    I struggle with the same problem. For me, if I follow a strict South Beach, NO CARBS, for 2 weeks, I lose an inch. I can't keep that up forever so it's not a long term solution, but it's a fairly reliable quick fix. I have all the books, so if you need receipes friend me & I'll post. CONGRATS! on the weight loss. Ultimately, as you approach the last fittings, focus on that awesome loss and appreciate how good you look and feel.