The boys I know are shallow



  • paulaGetshealthy
    Chris doesn't know how much I weigh, by the way. I guess he might think I weigh less than I do, but I think I'll always feel fat no matter what. I don't try to show the fact that I have low self-esteem because I don't want people to take advantage of that, but it still hurt to hear them say that.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Be honest now.... Would YOU date a 300 pound guy??

    Yes, if he was at least 6' 4" with a ****ton of muscles.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    As you grow older you also grow wiser... (well some do!!)
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    Be honest now.... Would YOU date a 300 pound guy??

    except she's not 300 lbs. she's not even 160 lbs so the comparison doesn't hold up.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I do agree that a lot of guys are shallow.

    However, a lot of people don't find overweight individuals physically attractive. Is it wrong to not want to date someone you are not physically attracted to?

    Using the terms 'disgusting' and 'nasty' is harsh. I personally wouldn't date someone who is overweight though because my values are not just based on physical attractiveness but health and well being. Someone who is overweight is in general not someone that pays particularly close attention to health and well-being. This isn't always the case but it is in general. For this same reason I wouldn't date someone who is crazily underweight.

    I think the way these guys went about it is wrong but there are legitimate reasons to finding overweight individuals unattractive both physically and value wise.

    That being said depending on a persons height some weights aren't particularly bad. But I personally wouldn't date someone who is my weight (about 170lbs) and height (170cm or 5' 8") unless they were actively trying to do something about their weight or like me they were athletically involved.

    Are you.. .planking in that picture?
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    Ladies are just as shallow sometimes, not wanting to start an arguement. Just thought I'd throw out my two cents.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Chris doesn't know how much I weigh, by the way. I guess he might think I weigh less than I do, but I think I'll always feel fat no matter what. I don't try to show the fact that I have low self-esteem because I don't want people to take advantage of that, but it still hurt to hear them say that.

    Oh, P.S.S, I'd like to suggest that maybe you talk to someone about your low self-esteem. From how I'm taking it, it's pretty stinkin' low (which I don't see a reason for, you're gorgeous) but for the sake of your futue relationships. Without any other reason, it causes a lot of problems. Trust me, it's worth tackling instead of dealing with the BS it comes with down the road
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    . how would chris like it if every girl he dated whipped out a ruler on the first date?

    THAT, was hillarious:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    on another note, none of them are worth it..personality matters, not weight, and one day they will realize it..or maybe they wont..just a bunch of superficial losers...if they really like someone, all that BS wont matter..i say move on and find a MAN who appreciates you for you..
  • 3ball
    3ball Posts: 338
    Bummer on that one. "Boys" being key. Without knowing too much for details on the relationship, maybe you'd be better off moving on. You're cute as hell, so you won't have too much trouble finding another guy. :-)
  • Abbzzz
    Abbzzz Posts: 49
    Due to freedom of speech, commenting on their opinion of overweight people isn't really wrong it's just discusting. You could've walked way at any time and not listened. How this has hurt you because you feel fat i don't understand. You don't look like you are 300 lbs and obviously they weren't talking about you and considering you were there they obviously don't consider you to be as large as those people so how can you use this conversation to reflect towards yourself and make it hurt your feelings????? I'm only 4 kgs overweight according to charts and i don't feel fat now i've read your post???? Maybe you should not let things upset you so easily as obviously none of the conversation was directed at you.
  • paulaGetshealthy
    I agree with some of the guys. It's okay if those boys aren't attracted to big women; that's not the issue. But why would they use words such as "disgusting" and "nasty" when referring to big girls, especially when a "fat" girl (me) is there with them? I mean...ouch.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Be honest now.... Would YOU date a 300 pound guy??

    except she's not 300 lbs. she's not even 160 lbs so the comparison doesn't hold up.

    They weren't making fun of HER, they were making fun of a DIFFERENT girl who "was like 300 lbs". So it is a legitimate question.
  • sexi_new_me
    boys not men..u said it right. well hunny u r NOT FAT and plus guys who feel that way will once see for themselves that its whats on the inside that truely matters because anyone can lose 200 lbs and be funny smart nice but a snobby selfish 130 lb girl can be ugly as sin.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I do agree that a lot of guys are shallow.

    However, a lot of people don't find overweight individuals physically attractive. Is it wrong to not want to date someone you are not physically attracted to?

    Using the terms 'disgusting' and 'nasty' is harsh. I personally wouldn't date someone who is overweight though because my values are not just based on physical attractiveness but health and well being. Someone who is overweight is in general not someone that pays particularly close attention to health and well-being. This isn't always the case but it is in general. For this same reason I wouldn't date someone who is crazily underweight.

    I think the way these guys went about it is wrong but there are legitimate reasons to finding overweight individuals unattractive both physically and value wise.

    That being said depending on a persons height some weights aren't particularly bad. But I personally wouldn't date someone who is my weight (about 170lbs) and height (170cm or 5' 8") unless they were actively trying to do something about their weight or like me they were athletically involved.

    Are you.. .planking in that picture?

    He's not. I asked the same thing lol
  • paulaGetshealthy
    by the way...Chris and's probably not going anywhere....
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    what it really comes down to, is...why would you want to date someone who finds making such remarks amusing (even if he's just going along with his buddies)...regardless of what he knows/thinks of your weight and/or weight's mean. Maybe try talking to him...but he may not get it. And I agree with someone else who suggested you work on your self esteem--you're a beautiful young woman who is making an effort at being healthy. And you deserve good things, and good people in your life, not people who tear down your self esteem. (and don't do it to yourself either ;)

    guys really don't know weight amounts--years ago I had a boyfriend ask me how much I weighed...he was commenting that I was really athletic (I used to lift a lot of weights when I was younger) and he was floored when I told him the number, he thought I was like 30 pounds lighter...they're clueless (no offense to the guys on this site ;)
  • bflicker11
    bflicker11 Posts: 296
    They aren't ripe until they're at least 30 years old.

    So true!!!!!
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    I do agree that a lot of guys are shallow.

    However, a lot of people don't find overweight individuals physically attractive. Is it wrong to not want to date someone you are not physically attracted to?

    Using the terms 'disgusting' and 'nasty' is harsh. I personally wouldn't date someone who is overweight though because my values are not just based on physical attractiveness but health and well being. Someone who is overweight is in general not someone that pays particularly close attention to health and well-being. This isn't always the case but it is in general. For this same reason I wouldn't date someone who is crazily underweight.

    I think the way these guys went about it is wrong but there are legitimate reasons to finding overweight individuals unattractive both physically and value wise.

    That being said depending on a persons height some weights aren't particularly bad. But I personally wouldn't date someone who is my weight (about 170lbs) and height (170cm or 5' 8") unless they were actively trying to do something about their weight or like me they were athletically involved.

    Are you.. .planking in that picture?

    Haha I'm not planking. I'm performing a lever on portable still rings. It's an official gymnastic skill which has been around much longer than planking :P
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Yes, they are shallow. They are boys and haven't developed the maturity to realize that talking like that isn't funny. Sadly, I know some older people who haven't figured out the same thing.

    Question for you -- did you sit there and put up with it? Or did you tell them to cut it out? Sometimes all a person needs is to be told that what he's (or she's) doing or saying is inappropriate to realize they need to rethink their "joke." In a case like this, silence pretty much equates to consent. If you did say something and they still are rude (or start picking on you) it's time to leave and end the relationship right away. You deserve better.
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    They're idiots likely just spouting off numbers.

    My ex husband used to always tell me he would leave me if I got up to 140.

    I was 140 or over most of our relationship.

    Just being men. I'm sure if the men were all alone they would say different.