Starting a new challenge! Ladies, Sexy in Six!!!



  • Honey1990
    Hi I am Niki! I am the mother of a beautiful 3 month old girl that gained a bit (50 lbs!) during pregnancy and I am just starting to work it off! I am new to MFP and challenges I think both will be great motivators for me!

    I need to lose weight for health, to get back into my clothes and because I am an interior designer and it is tough to feel creative when I look and feel so frumpy!

    I am really excited to start the challenge! (although I am used to weighing in on Mondays so this whole Friday weigh in may throw me off!)
    i with you on the weigh in day lol
  • Teelycart
    I am 42 and a mom of 3 children - 23, 20, 15.
    I started MFP this month and have yet to really start. My motivation is almost non-existent.
    Maybe a challenge is what I need. Excited to look at all this will entail! (Is there still room?)
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jie and I am 21 years old. I currently go to university but am on a 1 month summer vacation :) I go back to school in the fall. My start weight is 230# and I kind of let myself go when I entered University. My aim is to get back to my original 150# (high school weight) and from there, would like to reach 140#.

    Feel free to add me and put the challenge name in the message bar! Let's all lose weight together and keep each other motivated!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Still lots of room, ladies! Get all your friends to sign up, tell strangers on the streets, whatever!

    Welcome to the ladies who have just signed on. We're gonna have a blast!

    Everyone be sure to fill out your registration form and send me a friend request (so I can keep you posted on the questions and challenges!)
  • sarah61587
    sarah61587 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Sarah, 24 years old and mom of a 4 (almost 5) month old and a 5 year old. I am a SAHM and a full-time grad student working on my MBA. I have been a part of MFP for a few weeks and have been doing pretty well. I am starting to lose motivation because of some health issues I have been having but I need to stay motivated and know this will help!

    Feel free to add me!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Bethany. Im 27. I have a 8month old and a 5 year old. I am down 21lbs and looking to lose another 50 or so. Looking forward to getting involved in a new challenge.
  • Honey1990
    we can soooo do this ladies!!!! 6 weeks from now we will be completly different people! woot!
  • kaleighmorgan
    Hello everybody!! My name is Kaleigh and I'm a 21 year old college student from Texas. I've done the up and down thing (as a matter of fact, I was 152 mid march of this year and 161 at the start of June BUT I buckled down and started using my MFP tracker religiously mid-July, and I'm already back down to 152.6) but I'm DONE with this yo-yo thing. I'm going to lose the weight, get down to 132 lbs, and stay there! But I can use all the help I can get, and I'm really excited about this challenge! We've got this, girls!!

    Height: 5'4
    SW: 160
    CW: 152.6
    GW for this challege: 144
    UGW: 132
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Welcome ladies! There is still room, let's fill these spots up!
  • kaleighmorgan
    Ah! I forgot to intorduce myself.
    My name is Chris. I go to school in Boston, MA. I’m studying International Affairs with a minor in Business. I really, really, really want to reach my goal because I love it when people ask me what I’ve done to look so good. I love waking up in the morning full of energy and ready to get my day started. My boyfriend si super fit and I would love to be a hottie right next to him. :0)

    I'm with Chris also--my boyfriend is super fit (and has always been debatably better looking than me, even back when we were in high school) and I would LOVE to be a piece of smokin' hot arm candy!!
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    Hi, my name is shanna. I just turned 35 and am a SAHM with 3 daughters (ages 7,4 &2). I'm been trying to lose weight and successfully lost 15 pounds and gained 18 pounds back in a two month time period (this spring). So, I'm super disappointed and frustrated with my weight gain, esp. since I didn't change anything (continued exercising, tracking calories, ect). I ended up closing my original MFP account b/c I needed a break from it all, it was depressing me too much. So, I'm back now, ready to make some changes again, and hoping that a challenge and the support will help me through this.
  • NicholeAJ
    Hi I'm Nichole from Charleston SC:)
    Been on MFP since last Jan2010. I've lost 77p but then gained some back during the holidays. Now I have spent the last 7 months gaining and losing the same stupid 10 pounds. I need major motivation to stop messing around and reach my final goal of 100 pounds!

    So excited for the challenge! thanks for putting it together:)
  • JLW66
    JLW66 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone! I just recently joined the site a few days ago and I LOVE IT! I'm 30 years old and I also work as a mental health/substance abuse therapist like Ranewell. I'm up for the challenge, so LET'S DO THIS! LOL
  • bbjnkidz
    bbjnkidz Posts: 32 Member
    My name is Barbara. I am 45 years old, and the mother of 5. I also have 8 grandchildren, with the 9th due around Thanksgiving.
    I am 5'1" and currently weigh 159 lbs. My heaviest was about 198. My goal weight is 130lbs. I joined MFP a little over a week ago and absolutely love it! I would love to be a part of your challenge.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    My name si Erica. I am a second year veterinary student. I lift 3 times a week, ride horses once a week, and do cardio on the other days. I went from 162 in December down to 150 now. But I would love if I could get down to 142 so that is my goal
  • BrightEyedandHealthy
    Sounds awesome! I'm up for it!! I'm 22 years old, 5'2 and 149 pounds. Ready to finally lose this weight just need tons of support and motivation !!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I hope there's still room for me! This is my first challenge, and I need some butt-kicking! I have 9m old twin boys (7m corrected age) and another 20lbs to go to get to my ppw. But I needed to lose 30-odd pounds before that too, so I've got some big goals. The last time I was that thin was during a bad bout with anorexia in 2001.

    So my goal is to do this right and long term. I've got monkeys to run around after now, and I want to be an active mom who radiates happiness and self-awareness.

    The big challenge for me in the next six weeks is that I'm spending two of them traveling!

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone better!

    5'2" 37yrs
    HW: 220 (end of twin pregnancy)
    LW: 125 (anorexic, too thin for my body type)
    CW: 188
    Mini goal 1: ppw of 168
    Mini goal 2: 150
    GW: 135-140
  • LoseItJourney
    LoseItJourney Posts: 122 Member
    I hope theres still room!

    My name is Ashley
    I am almost 19
    Im going into my first year of college
    I dont want to struggle with weight when I am older
    I find this site motivates me more than anything else
    I have 140 LBS to lose!
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    I hope I can join too!

    I'm 19 and in college. I just started using MFP this month and I love it!
    I have lost almost 10lbs this summer (4lbs on MFP) and I can't wait to lose more!

    I really want to be part of this challenge! :D
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    Oops replied twice! I guess that's how much I want to be part of the Ladies, Sexy in Six! lol