Being 5'11 keeps me in denial

I'm new on here and I'm hoping to meet and share my weight loss journey with lots of fellow "losers". I'm 33 years old and a mother of four. I do try to eat healthy because diabetes and high blood pressure runs in my family but I struggle the most with sweets and bad habits like eating on the run, not sticking with serving sizes and eating dinner late. I've always been on the heavier side although I didn't go over 200 lbs until I had my first child at 19. I don't know about any other tall women out there but being 5'11 has only helped me to be in denial about how big my weight problem actually is. I also carry my weight more on my bottom half which has never really made me feel disgusted with the way my body looks. I've never had a problem attracting the opposite sex and I have a healthy amount of confidence. I think I mostly realize how bad my weight problem is when I see the numbers on the scale. I've also seen myself in pictures when I'm sitting down and I've actually been surprised to see how big my stomach is! When I tell people my weight they seem shocked. So.....I think 1. Being tall helps hide the fat, therefore the denial is stronger. 2. Being proud of your body and feeling attractive is good, but are other people reinforcing the idea that big, tall and curvy is ok? Are any of you going through the same thing? All I know is I'm starting to feel snug in my size 20's and I refuse to go buy bigger clothes!


  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    I'm not overly tall, 5'8 but have been blessed with a large chest. Because they wind up being the focus, folks are generally suprised that I weigh right around 200. Not sure if I'm thankful for that or loathe it.
  • Cyd46
    Cyd46 Posts: 32 Member
    I am so with you on this. And know "WHAT your talking ABOUT!!" I am tall also....
  • Defloraaa
    Defloraaa Posts: 5 Member
    I just got out of denial 2 days ago and joined this website yesterday!

    I'm 19 and 5'10. In Asia standards, I'm considered very tall for a girl. Hmm, playing netball competitively last time made me proud of my height and yes it hide fats well. Nobody would guess my weight correctly! But... it's time we lose some and welcome on the website! (:
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm not as tall as you are...I'm 5'8". But I completely relate to what you seem to be experiencing...Glad you posted this. Looking forward to reading the comments on this thread :smile:
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm 5'10" and people are always shocked when they find out how much I weigh.
    "You can't possibly weigh that much"
    "You must carry it well"
    "You don't look like you need to lose 50kg"

    I also don't see myself as fat (in my head anyway) so it was very confronting to go to the doctor and have him tell me I'm morbidly obese.

    Well, now I'm just obese and working towards being overweight, and ultimately a healthy weight. Welcome to the club!
  • yumyumron
    I' think i'am still in denial!
  • symota
    symota Posts: 12
    I am 6'0" tall and 41 years old. I love being tall now, whereas, I didn't as much when I was younger. In high school I was very active in sports and weighed 145 lbs. my senior year.

    Since getting married in 1992, I have had 11 pregnancies and 9 babies. I was able to take the weight off between babies for the first 4 or so, but then after I hit my 30's the weight seemed to stick around a bit more. I got back down to 155 lbs. after baby #5, but then had three pregnancies and babies in 3 years. After my last son was born last fall, I was in my 180's. My oldest son graduated from high school this spring, and I stressed about that a lot. I started gaining, and got to 192 lb. before I decided I HAD to do something about it!

    People have always told me I look great for having so many children. I'm not sure what the standard for that is, but it gave me a false sense of security in my weight.

    I've been doing the 30-Day Shred and watching calories. I have 8 days left, and so far I have lost only 6 lbs., but have lost 19 inches. I think I'm going to do another round of the shred when I am done with this one.

    I don't think I'll ever see my high school weight again, but I would content to be around 165 lbs.
  • virgiithinkican
    I've heard all those reactions too! My health has always been great and I enjoy exercise, but I didn't get to 255 lbs by having a healthy relationship with food. So I'm happy to be on here on my way to a healthier me. Best wishes to all you ladies!
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I'm not nearly as tall as you but I've also heard the "you don't look like you weigh that much" or "there's no way you weigh that much" because I know how to hide it with what i wear!! I know what i look like without the clothes to hide it all and it ain't such a pretty site :sad: , lol. I'm tired of wearing clothes that hide everything. I wanna wear clothes that will show off my beautiful ink!! With all the support we have here, there's no way we CAN'T do what we set our minds to!!! Here's to great supportive friends and losing some weight!!!!
  • virgiithinkican
    In my case I was blessed with a uh bigger backside...:) I've got mixed feelings about this too. The attention seems to give me ego boosts on some days on others not so much.
  • virgiithinkican
    @ireshgurl: I agree! Sometimes you do become better at hiding it with clothes. Actually, I've always wanted a tattoo but promised myself I'd get it if I lost weight. That was in my teens. Lol! Maybe this time it could be a reward for meeting my first goal.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    @ireshgurl: I agree! Sometimes you do become better at hiding it with clothes. Actually, I've always wanted a tattoo but promised myself I'd get it if I lost weight. That was in my teens. Lol! Maybe this time it could be a reward for meeting my first goal.

    Lol, I didn't get my 1st tattoo till i was in my mid 20's. And a tattoo is a worthy goal, along with the satisfaction!!! I have my whole back covered and don't feel comfortable wearing the shirts that would show them off :sad: And i also, have always had a bigger booty, but now it's a little lower then i'd like it 2
  • virgiithinkican
    @ireshgurl: Wow, sounds like a bummer to not feel comfortable showing all that ink off! I love tattoos but I was never bold enough to go for it. I'm sure you would look great in those shirts! I used to hate tank tops, (no way I'm showing my arms!) but I got hot! Lol! Had to decide between sweating or comfort and comfort won.
  • Dealight
    Hi there, I'm also 5'11" and I would agree with you. My weight could fluctuate by 10 or even 15 lbs. in the past with very little effect on the fit of my clothes. Things were more snug, but I would chalk it up to monthly bloating or something else. Losing weight at this height can be a little discouraging too. I have found that when I have lost weight after having children (3) in past years that I seemed to need to lose about 20 lbs. before people even seemed to notice or comment. In my mind I supposed that I could also gain 20lbs without anyone noticing. Hmmm, That's denial, and that's no river in Egypt. So, over the years the weight has crept up and I am now in a much larger size than I would like to be in too. This was only my first day on this site, but I am feeling encouraged and hopeful. My weight loss will be slow until Thanksgiving because I am in a cast with a seriously fractured ankle. I am hoping to get some exercise when it comes off in mid to late October. So, let's support one another. Tall women need to stick together :)
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    Even at a shorter 5'7, my height and weight distribution has kept my true weight well hidden! I have a 5'6 sister who is 30lbs lighter than me but we look the same because I carry way more in my legs. I like to think I have some muscles hidden under the podge! But after being unhappy with my body for a year I decided to sign up and do something about it. Feel free to add me :)
  • shazzamax11
    I'm 5ft 9 with big boobs and my doctor said "you carry your weight well", but I am overweight and feeling very fat and frumpy. I think being taller helps to carry weight but isnt necessarily healthier.
    If anybody wants to add me for support please do.