Getting High To Fix My Broken Metabolism

So............ The Subject Line for this post is probably a little misleading.........

But it is 100% accurate.

Recently some discussions with members of MFP have caused me to rethink some strategies leading towards a healthier lifestyle.

After some discussion I felt that I have been eating too little and caused my metabolism to become less effecient at converting food into energy. Thanks LauraMarie and NinerBuff.

I also came to the conclusion that the types of excercise I was doing had become less effcient over time, due to my body "getting used" to doing them. Long walks are great, but if you do them every day they have less of the desired effect. Thanks Lozze.

So I decided to do something drastic to start on the road to recovery for both issues.

I decided to get HIGH!

Not on drugs or diet pills or caffiene........

High literally.........

I went out into the Southern Cascades for 2 weeks of hefty mountaineering / Survival / excercise.........

My thinking was that I would put away the calorie counters and eat as often as I felt hungry. The extreme exertion associated with mountain climbing would certainly "force" my body to use whatever energy it could find. I know that it would be foolish to think I could completely undo the damage to my metabolism that "starvation mode" has caused with a couple weeks of dense foods and extreme excercise............. but it seemed like a good way to jumpstart the process.

I think it worked too....... I ate a LOT of calories while I was out there........ there was a couple days when I sucked down more than a pound of GORP in between my 3 1000+ calorie meals. I definetly felt a boost from all the eating..... and while it is true that my first weigh in after coming home shows me weighing in 2 pounds heavier........ I did average about 6000 mg of sodium daily............. which is unavoidable as carrying highly processed dehydrated foods is a must out in the wilderness........ so I am hopeful that once I have relaxed a little some of that 2 pounds will turn out to be false..........

I am not sweating it tho............ I feel AWESOME (really worn out today, its my first day back but still AWESOME)

If you want to read about the experience (and see some pictures) you can check out my MFP blog here:

The other half of this, the lessened efficiency of repetitive excercise was also addressed by this trip. Spending a couple weeks at such high altitude has really REALLY given my lungs a boost, and all that time on those crazy steep hills has made my already buff calves even buffer............ so now I am going to start adding some long distance runs at measured paces into my cardio profile.

Before I left for the trip I bought 3 pairs of awesome running shoes that are trimmed in horrible neon colors. I do not want them to match anything. They exist in my wardrobe for running. When I put them on it means "GO FATASS!"

I am really anxious to put one of those pairs of shoes on tomorrow........... I been running more and more as of late but............ this time I am REALLY HIGHLY motivated an the shoes are soooooooooooooo purty :)

So........... what do you think......... was this a good way to start the long trek back from starvation mode and into a healthier healthy lifestyle....... LauraMarie, NinerBuff and Lozze , I would love to hear from ya's on this :)

Thanks for reading !


  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Definitely a man with a plan. . . .Great strategy. .. Sounds like a great trip too. . .looking forward to the pics.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    This is good stuff! Believe it or not I thought this post was going to be about HIIT or something. Sounds like your mind and attitude are in the right spot.

    The only thing I don't necessarily agree with is this:
    I know that it would be foolish to think I could completely undo the damage to my metabolism that "starvation mode" has caused with a couple weeks of dense foods and extreme excercise
    Not sure the extent and severity of your "damage"... but I believe that you very well can get yourself on track in a matter of weeks.

    Enjoy that high, man!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    lol starvation mode
  • Fatty_Fatass
    Definitely a man with a plan. . . .Great strategy. .. Sounds like a great trip too. . .looking forward to the pics.

    Thanks for responding Jade.....

    Pics are up in my profile........ I am bummed I can only post 18 of them lol......

    If you would like some more just give me a place and method to send them. I took a lot..... lol

    Thats the link. Enjoy and TY again :)

    PS: I have a funny video related to this trip posted here on Sparkpeople:

    I am also in the process of uploading a lot more pics there (they allow 50) so if you really do wanna see more you can check them out here:
  • Fatty_Fatass
    This is good stuff! Believe it or not I thought this post was going to be about HIIT or something. Sounds like your mind and attitude are in the right spot.

    The only thing I don't necessarily agree with is this:
    I know that it would be foolish to think I could completely undo the damage to my metabolism that "starvation mode" has caused with a couple weeks of dense foods and extreme excercise
    Not sure the extent and severity of your "damage"... but I believe that you very well can get yourself on track in a matter of weeks.

    Enjoy that high, man!

    Hello taso42 and thank you for commenting.

    I am not sure of the extent of the damage either. I am glad to hear someone say that I can get back on track so quickly. To be honest, I felt that no matter what it had to be helpful........... it kind of goes back to the caveman hoarding fat thru the winter and then becoming a lean mean hunting machine when the thaw comes.

    Its primal........... but it made sense to me.

    Thank You for the encouragement.

    Its appreciated :)