Ladies, Help Please!

My TOM is coming up and the week before I always get the WORST cravings & tend to binge. It gets really discouraging and don't know how to stop myself. How do you guys avoid this? It's like my refigerator is dragging me toward it.. lol help!!


  • vicstar115
    I had mine not too long ago, and surprisingly i only had a few squares of choc! As long as you keep your mind busy im sure it'll help. You could always go out for a walk to take your mind off of it :)
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    Make sure your fridge only has stuff that won't cause TOO much damage.

    And mini milks REALLY help - 30 calories and very sweet and tasty.

    Have small, regular meals so that you feel satisfied through the day - so for this week have 6 instead of 3 meals, might help you make better decisions when you do have cravings.
  • sunraze
    sunraze Posts: 115
    Weirdly when I began drinking Shakeology every day, my cravings and binges stopped. I did a 3 day Shakeology cleanse and then all I wanted was apples and cucumbers---LOL. I know it sounds crazy but I'm serious.
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    I tend to not buy stuff that I know I will binge on during TOM. If I do happen to have such things like chocolate, I get my bf to eat it. If it isn't there, I can't touch it and I'm too lazy to go down the shop to fulfil a craving.

    I get terrible pains during TOM, so I usually just relax for a bit with a hot water bottle, couple of pain killers and a good movie :P then I will do some exercises later on which seem to ease the cramps a bit.

    Mini milks are only 30 cals? OMG...
  • britannya
    Remove all those foods you tend to binge on and find alternatives. Don't buy the foods that tempt you off track. Drink water or clean your teeth when you feel the need to binge, as I find that can sometimes help. But if you do crack, tomorrow is another day so start over and up your exercise!
  • carlobuff
    Keep your low calorie stuff where you can reach it in the fridge and close it quickly.
    I find that talking to myself helps a lot.
    I ask myself a lot. "Am I eating because I am hungry or am I eating for comfort?"
    IF I have need for comfort I go for a walk. or wait 20 minutes.or go get a warm bath.or do something with my hands.
    I find this helps.
    It is a problem that most of us face in losing weight.