How in the heck do I survive Disney World



  • egdanger1
    egdanger1 Posts: 59 Member
    I think that sounds like a pretty good plan - also, I'd add that you'll reply to this post and let us know how you did! That may motivate you to follow the plan you set up :)

    I will most assuredly let everyone know how I do. Thank you for the encouragement!!!!!!!!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    You've gotten some great advice. All that I can add is... I AM SO INSANELY JEALOUS. Disney world is the best place in the world.
  • egdanger1
    egdanger1 Posts: 59 Member
    You've gotten some great advice. All that I can add is... I AM SO INSANELY JEALOUS. Disney world is the best place in the world.

    I am really looking forward to the trip!
  • egdanger1
    egdanger1 Posts: 59 Member
    I feel you I went to Disney myself 2 weeks ago and didnt want to ruin the trip for others either with me being all picky with foods and I decided to just have a good time and worry about my weight when I got home, some would call it a bad desicion but I had a great trip, gained 10lbs and then had to work my butt off over the next 10 days and took that 10 right back off. I am sure this wouldnt work for everyone but I am happy to have had a great trip and still got that weight back off....happy vacation to you!!!!

    You gained 10lbs and you took it right back off. Good for you. I know you had to work double time to do that. I know that if I do get derailed too much I can make it up when I get back. Thank you for your encouragement.
  • cpeterson70
    cpeterson70 Posts: 19 Member
    How did you do? We leave to drive from Texas to Walt Disney World next Friday. We will be there 4 days. I'm thinking that will be tough, but I know I will be walking A LOT!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Enjoy your vacation and get back on the wagon when you get back.
  • cpeterson70
    cpeterson70 Posts: 19 Member
    Oh, I'm going to enjoy it. I enjoyed the Texas State Fair and did just fine. That was only one day though. Can't wait!! The drive to and from will be brutal..but plan to make even that fun :-)
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    I feel you I went to Disney myself 2 weeks ago and didnt want to ruin the trip for others either with me being all picky with foods and I decided to just have a good time and worry about my weight when I got home, some would call it a bad desicion but I had a great trip, gained 10lbs and then had to work my butt off over the next 10 days and took that 10 right back off. I am sure this wouldnt work for everyone but I am happy to have had a great trip and still got that weight back off....happy vacation to you!!!!

    Yep...that's what I did too. For many, Disney is a once in a lifetime - ENJOY and don't stress...just be smart.
  • cpeterson70
    cpeterson70 Posts: 19 Member
    We went to Disney for Thanksgiving week. I splurged when I wanted to, but also took some of my own snacks for breakfast a few days as well...Kashi Trail Mix Granola Bars and EAS Advantedge Carb Control meal replacement shakes. I had Thanksgiving dinner for lunch one day. I was happy I could have a traditional Thanksgiving meal and boy was it big and I ate it all. I ate ice cream a couple of days as well. And I lost weight that week. I guess because of all the walking?? We averaged roughly 5.5 - 6 miles per day for the 4 days we were there. We were going almost non-stop. I can't believe my 4 1/2 year old son was able to keep up, except for the few times he has to be picked up.
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    If it were me I would eat what I wanted for vacation.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    It's already been mentioned, but yes, you may end up eating a hamburger or some chicken tenders, but they have fruit as side order options (apple slices, grapes). When I went 2 years ago, I ate the fruit just to not get sick from greasy food in the heat, but it works for watching what you eat too. We also ate breakfast in the hotel room to save money (but was not on a pre-paid meal plan).

    Also, you may not realize it but you will walk MILES inside the park, and be on your feet all day, so you will at least be "lightly active" rather than sedentary.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I just got back from Disneyland yesterday & lost 4lbs!

    Step 1: Go to a nearby grocery store & get supplies for healthy sandwiches. Get yogurt & fruit & veggies & healthy trail mix to snack on. Don't forget water/water bottle.
    Step 2: Don't try to fight the goodies. Let yourself have one or two a day. (We had a healthy breakfast @ our hotel (yogurt, toast w pb, oatmeal, fruit), had fruit & trail mix for a snack, sandiwiches & veggies & fruit for lunch, a treat as a snack, & a healthy/not healthy supper, then a special coffee as an evening treat to keep us going till closing)
    Step 3: Embrace the 5 miles a day of walking you will do!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Great advice so far^^^

    All I can add is to bring the most comfortable shoes or sneakers you can find and WALK, WALK, WALK !!!!!!! Bend, walk, run, stretch and walk some more. If you are reasonable with your food choices (and that means drinking plenty of water!!!!) I think you will be fine.

    Have a great time!
  • I was in Disney first week in November. We spent 6 days in the parks with our two girls and another family. We did a lot of walking around so you do tend to burn quite a bit. I did take a break from any additional exercise. We had several character buffet meals and I did not hold back to my calorie count to my dismay. I probably would have lost a lot of weight. However, when I got home I was please to see with how much I did indulge (and it was a lot) I only gained 2 pounds. The major problem was returning to the exercise routine when I got home. It took me a few weeks to get back into the swing of things and I wasn't tracking my calories like I did. So now about 3 weeks after our return from Disney and a month after we left, I am back to the weight I lost before our trip. I look at it this way, its up to you. if you want to be real hard core, you can eat all the fruit and veggies at the buffets. Disney does have healthy foods there. The problem is that it is all right next to the bad for you stuff. I could not resist the french toast thing they had at Crystal Palace and Mickey waffles. You do tend to pack it in. I say enjoy and work hard when you get back right away, don't delay like I did.
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    A couple of people have said this already, but you will be walking almost the whole day and probably swimming, so you will definately get exercise in. Also, since you will be busy all day, you won't really have a lot of snacks until lunch and dinner, so it's really not that much to worry about. Plus, the lunch portions are reasonable (I went there 2 years ago), so you won't be overeating for lunch. It's not going to be as hard as you think it is. Don't count your calories, it is vacation after all, but just stop eating when you're full and I think you'll be able to maintain your weight. =) Have fun!
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Sorry, double post!
  • I LOVE DISNEY WORLD! I'm jealous :( lol Honestly, at the buffets and such there- they have alot of fruit to choose from at the breakfast buffets- Go with that! Or try to do big salads at lunch and dinner and maybe an apple- fiber foods will fill you up. If you want to have something extremely yummy, I'd say go for it- You are going to be doing A LOT of walking! Don't stress! Enjoy you're vacation and walk walk walk!! :) PS Say hi to Mickey for me!! lol
  • aspen1377
    aspen1377 Posts: 60 Member
    We took our four boys to Disneyworld for a week in April. Here's what I did based on what I wanted to achieve that week. Everyone's goals are different so it may not be in line with what you are wanting. (btw I normally gain 7-12 pounds on a weeks vacation and take 3 weeks to re lose it. My goal this trip was to maintain completely. I ordered well, or ordered kid portions. Had salads and grilled chicken sandwiches etc. I "chanted" lol to myself for two weeks before saying every day "vacation is about relaxing and spending time with my family, NOT gorging and eating...these are all foods I have had before, and WILL have again...I can eat what I want but remember the TRUE reason for this vacation. Fat lasts longer than flavor". So throughout the week I just stuck to my plan and gave myself permission to have what I wanted when the moment struck. On day 3 of seven, I ate a huge cupcake with frosting, then two truffels from a candy store and two bites of my kids ice cream. Then back to normal the next day. Then day seven I had an ice cream cone, a candy bar, two cookies and a couple bites of a funnel cake. All pretty much within a couple hours in the evening. (didnt' feel the greatest) . but I didnt' feel deprivd on the trip AT all....focused more on family and relaxing, and most of all I didn't hate myself when I got home realizing all the flavor was gone and all I was left with was fat or water weight. I weighed exactly the same when I got home and quickly resumed losing. I think the two days I let myself splurge a little helped me mentally, it proved to myself that i DO have self control and that a couple treats here and there are GOOD to have and must have done something to boost my metabolism cause I started dropping more quikcly than I had been. Anyway, have a fun was awesome...

  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I'm off to Disney World in 18 days. We're on the Quick Service dining plan this time instead of the regular Table Service plan we normally get. I've already reviewed every quick service menu I could find on the internet to find "better" choices in each of the parks. Then I dropped a quick bullet list organized by park/restaurant/choices onto my phone so I'll have it for reference.

    Really hoping just to not gain while we're there.

    I really like Aspen's post - it reminded me vacation is not about gorging on food and catering to my every whim, it's about relaxing and having a fun time with my family! Flavor is fleeting but fat is not!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Don't worry too much about it. You will be burning major calories walking all day. What I did also is that I started C25K. I would get up really early. Get my run in and slip back in bed for a nap until everybody else got up. I was the "runner" for the family also, meaning i would run to get the fast passes and meet up with everybody else. Hope it helps.