New and need some local friends to help motivate me

:smile: Hello I live in tx and on ft sam houston military base. I need some encourament and friends to help me get through this. I just had an amputation in feb 2010 and they put me on meds for the phantom sensations and i put on over 50 pounds I need some of it off. Thanks again add me


  • llbreell
    llbreell Posts: 37
    I recently moved to Jersey Village and am in the process of losing a little under 50lbs. First big foal is 29lbs away! Good luck to you :)
  • shazzamax11
    Welcome to the site, I had spinal surgery in 2009 and I've put on over a stone (through lack of exercise).
    This site is fabulous and there is lots of support and help. I'm not local (London UK) but feel free to add me.