I'm new - anyone doing ChaLean Extreme

been using the site on the phone updating my foods and it is very handy!! Decided to get online and dig in a little deeper..

Currently I am on week 2 of ChaLean Extreme from Beachbody, walk/jog 3.5 miles every other day... trying to work up my time... I'm slow now - takes me 52 minutes for 3.5 miles.

I need to loose 56 lbs to achieve my goal... Thanks for reading!!

Have a wonderful day!


  • jnt436
    jnt436 Posts: 14
    I tried the CHX for about a month then injured my shoulder =( I loved that program and I miss it...hope it works well for you. For me...sticking with my all-time favorite..Turbo!! with a side of Zumba...LOL!
  • hchristine
    I am also doing Chalean Extreme, and I love it. It's the first time in my life that I truly look forward to working out. I think because it's put on a calender for you, and I am told exactly what I need to do :) I am in the 2nd week of the push phase. I am really starting to see a huge difference.

    Good luck with achieving your goal!!!
  • kippit
    kippit Posts: 78
    My wife and I are
  • rosem1124
    Just tried Zumba basic steps last night its rather fun :-) I love Chalean's turbo jam awesome and the music is catchy... I have the xtreme and I plan to try it this weekend ... good luck and wish me luck chalean is a beast :-)
  • amethyst1
    Yikes! Did you injure your shoulder doing CHX or was it unrelated? Just curious because I'm recovering from shoulder surgery and would like to do CHX but do not want to reinjure.
  • sadie928
    sadie928 Posts: 4 Member
    My husband and I just finished our first week of ChaLEAN Extreme. The difficulty I am finding is how to post the exercise in MFP in order that it shows calories burned for the lifting portions. I input the lifting and it reports a 0 for calories burned. I guess I need to get a better HRM that has constant monitoring ability and will give me a read out of the calories burned in the end. I have one but it requires that you stop and check your heart rate and constantly to get a reading.
  • jnt436
    jnt436 Posts: 14
    No I didn't hurt it with the Extreme...it has been an ongoing problem of mine...The heavy weights bother it...so I stick it out with toning instead...5-8 lbs weights vs. the 20 lbs I was lifting with CHX. The 20lbs was my legs, but obv. I was holding the weights while lunging and that's what bothered it =( It really is a GREAT program...wish I could still do it!
  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    I'm on week 3 of Burn phase and I love it!! I'm doing my own cardio and yoga but follow her calendar. I took measurements after the 2 week mark and had already lost 5 inches! I can't wait to see the final results!

    @Sadie - in the cardio section look up strength training, then when you input your time you can get the calories burned for it.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    There are a bunch of us on a CLX thread if you have questions or would like to join us:


    We are all in various stages of the program and some are doing "hybrids" with TurboFire or Insanity, so join in anytime!

    Most use either a HRM or BodyBugg/MediaFit device to track exercise calories burned - it's just easier than the total 'guess work' of trying to figure out what MFP category is the best fit.

    As to the shoulders, it would be the same as with any exercise regime - you just have to listen to your body (and probably your doctor!) and modify if necessary as you gradually increase strength and range of motion. It's pretty much common sense. All of the CLX videos show someone doing a 'modified' version of the exercise to help you.

    I love, love, love CLX!! I continually use the weight lifting exercises (this is my fourth time in a row doing the program) and sub in various other cardio to mix it up and keep it fresh!

    Glad to see so many other CLX fans! Hope you'll join us over on the other thread!
  • jnt436
    jnt436 Posts: 14
    My husband and I just finished our first week of ChaLEAN Extreme. The difficulty I am finding is how to post the exercise in MFP in order that it shows calories burned for the lifting portions. I input the lifting and it reports a 0 for calories burned. I guess I need to get a better HRM that has constant monitoring ability and will give me a read out of the calories burned in the end. I have one but it requires that you stop and check your heart rate and constantly to get a reading.

    You don't really burn many calories while lifting, it's building muscle that in the long run will give you a higher metabolic rate...the cardio part of the program you will burn the calories =)
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    My husband and I just finished our first week of ChaLEAN Extreme. The difficulty I am finding is how to post the exercise in MFP in order that it shows calories burned for the lifting portions. I input the lifting and it reports a 0 for calories burned. I guess I need to get a better HRM that has constant monitoring ability and will give me a read out of the calories burned in the end. I have one but it requires that you stop and check your heart rate and constantly to get a reading.

    You don't really burn many calories while lifting, it's building muscle that in the long run will give you a higher metabolic rate...the cardio part of the program you will burn the calories =)

    This is true, however, what most don't realize is that even though the calories burned while lifting are lower than during cardio, after lifting you will continue to burn calories at a higher rate for several hours after - where as with cardio, you only burn the calories while you are doing the exercise. It evens out, essentially, but the added bonus to building the musle is just as jnt436 stated: you metabolism will increase, which is what you really want so that your body will burn more calories on its own, even when you are just sitting still!
  • sadie928
    sadie928 Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats on your great results!!! And thanks for the tips!
  • floridagirl40
    floridagirl40 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone for posting.. glad to see so many Chalean Extreme fans!!

    Beachbody seems to have some great programs! I skipped my running last week, to focus on CLX , went back to jogging this week and using it for strength training... I truly missed my outdoor - iPod time... and the weight loss... to each his own I suppose.

    Also decided to do a 5K in November, something to work for! ;)