
Options name is deanna... have been a recovering addict for over 2yrs... in this time i have put on approx 35 pounds... i am so use to seeing myself about 130 pds (although i was extremely unhealthy)... i excersise and walk muscle tone is good however, the weight just wont drop.....frustrated. i have finally found a man in my life that i love and we are getting married in trying so hard to watch my food intake but as i said i get so frustrated


  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    hi deanna, welcome to mfp. congratulations on beating your addiction. that had to have been hard for you and i know it is a daily battle. also--congrats on the upcoming wedding. i have sent a friend request. good luck.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Welcome Deanna! Are you staying within your calories per day? Although you walk everyday and exercise your body becomes efficient at walking, running and exercising if you sdo the same routine for a persiod of time. Have you tried switching it up? Walk for three minutes then bump it up to a jogg or run for a minute then back to the walking to keep walking and jogging. That confuses the firing order of the muscles and they dont know what to do. (My physical therapist told me this and it seems to work for me). Do you drink enough water?

    Add me as a friend if you like.
  • 2fabulous2Bunfit
    2fabulous2Bunfit Posts: 47 Member
    First, congrats on your achievement on being a recovering addict! Second, congrats on finding a great man and getting married. I am too in (somewhat) of the same situation. I was 130/135 before having a baby, and cant seem to get below 160. I was deployed to the desert for a little while a couple years ago and got down to 140, although I ws eating too healthy and working out excessively. Then I hurt my knee and gained back the 20 pounds I lost. SO FRUSTRATING!

    It is a daily struggle and having MFP friends help some, so feel free to add me as a friend!!!