Dating disaster stories...



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Note to self: Do not get naked in car.

    or wait for 4 hours.

    4 hours... got it.

    I once went on a date with someone that was still living with another man's wife. That was fun.
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    I went out with a girl one night... We went to walk on the beach. Had a nice time. It was getting late so we headed home. I wasnt paying attention and the next thing I know shes butt naked in my passenger seat telling me to pull over. Needless to say I was blowing read lights trying to make it home as fast as possible. I scrubbed the crap outta the seat and needless to say I didnt talk to her after that.

    HA!!!! TOP THAT!

    wait, i thought we were talking about bad dates?
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    Im not prude... I actually like to care about the person that I "get with" First time shouldnt be in the car anyways....
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Odusgulp- i thought your profile picture was of you stabbing something!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    This guy I had met at the gym asked me on a movie date. I wasn't really interested in him much but it was a movie I wanted to see and I thought he was funny so I agreed. He started the night by telling me he liked chunky girls (coming from a twig of a guy, standing 5'5) "like kelly clarkson" ... at that time, kelly clarkson was pretty much as her highest weight. He said, "You could gain like 10lb and be like my dream girl." (I was 140lb at the time). I was like "uuum no thank you." While waiting in the lobby of the theater he went on a long rant about his brother (who was my age, this guy was about 5-6yrs older than me). I just stood there thinking, "Why, on a first date, are you complaining about your brother..."
    I never went on another official 'first date' ever again.

    He's probably still single.

    Oh wait, and then to follow-up to that, he continued to text me constantly telling me all the sexual things he wanted to do to me. I was a virgin, you just don't say those things to a virgin. Then he tried to "put the relationship on hold' (what relationship?!?!) while he had a busy month at work. I met my fiance during that month, he finally left me alone, haha.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    My ex boyfriend asked me out. In a desperate attempt to get him back I dressed up (back then I weighed alot more way more) in a semi sexy outfit and heels. Well we ended up with a group and he ends flirting, holding hands with another girl. I had to pay for our tickets so after the movie I said take me home and I have never ever seen him since. I later get a call from his sister in law telling me the date was all a big joke and to have some self dignity and never go out with him again cause I was only a joke. Ever since I swore no one would ever break my heart like that. *kitten*! Lol. The upside of this was I am glad I didn't marry that douche bag and now I have a hot husband who adores me and a wonderful son. The douche bag is getting a divorce. Things happen for a reason.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Im not prude... I actually like to care about the person that I "get with" First time shouldnt be in the car anyways....

    I can appreciate that. Alot. That must have been a hell of a walk at the beach though!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Odusgulp- i thought your profile picture was of you stabbing something!

    No, but I did kind of mutilate that cork...
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Odusgulp- i thought your profile picture was of you stabbing something!
    She is! She's stabbing the wine! I get stabby, too, when I haven't had enough wine.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Stopped at 7-11 and got her a flower to give to her when I picked her up. ($1.99)
    Took her out to dinner. Even "super-sized" her meal. ($6.99)
    Took her to the movies ($18.00)
    Shared my Popcorn, Raisenetts, Soda ($17.00)

    Took her back to my place. Wouldn't put out.

    Paid for her cab ride home, because I'm a Gentleman. ($25.00)
    Pay-per-view Porn Movie ($7.99)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I was 18, living in Montana and it was winter. This 21 year old guy had been begging my roommate to set us up on a date so she finally did. We decided to go to a White Trash Wednesday party with him so I didn't have to be alone with him. Since I was underage I drove. We went out to pick him up and then drove the 10 miles to the party. Once we got there he went to play a game while I said hi to the people I knew. Not even 5 minutes later they were calling my name to come get my "date" and take him home because he was trashed (he started drinking way before we picked him up).

    On the drive home he puked in my car. At a stop sign he opened the door and refused to close it because he had farted and was trying to get the stink out (note: it was winter and Montana so it was freezing outside). I finally got him home and had to fireman carry him to his room where he attempted to take my clothes off and nearly puked on me. Worst date ever.
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    i went on a blind date once....i was mean though. I let the guy "who i did not find attractive at all" buy me dinner and some drinks, and i told him that i needed a cigarette and needed to get them out of my car....well....i just took off and left. wasnt a disaster for me, but it was for him

    and women wonder where men learn to treat women like crap..............
  • Ajontheguitar
    Odusgulp- i thought your profile picture was of you stabbing something!

    No, but I did kind of mutilate that cork...

    Can't say that I read that as "cork." I was thinking "She's really beautiful and if I knew her, I'd ask her out.."

    Maybe not now :)
  • StellaBby10
    My ex boyfriend asked me out. In a desperate attempt to get him back I dressed up (back then I weighed alot more way more) in a semi sexy outfit and heels. Well we ended up with a group and he ends flirting, holding hands with another girl. I had to pay for our tickets so after the movie I said take me home and I have never ever seen him since. I later get a call from his sister in law telling me the date was all a big joke and to have some self dignity and never go out with him again cause I was only a joke. Ever since I swore no one would ever break my heart like that. *kitten*! Lol. The upside of this was I am glad I didn't marry that douche bag and now I have a hot husband who adores me and a wonderful son. The douche bag is getting a divorce. Things happen for a reason.

    LOVE IT!! (that hes getting divorced now i mean)

    My ex b/f is on trial for trying to kill me now... not going to go into details cuz they are pretty gruesome... but that was my worst date(not first date) and KARMA IS A BEYOTCH!!!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    I went out with a girl one night... We went to walk on the beach. Had a nice time. It was getting late so we headed home. I wasnt paying attention and the next thing I know shes butt naked in my passenger seat telling me to pull over. Needless to say I was blowing read lights trying to make it home as fast as possible. I scrubbed the crap outta the seat and needless to say I didnt talk to her after that.

    HA!!!! TOP THAT!

    I thought this was how guys wanted girls to act? Did you want to be the one to remove her clothes?
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    So many to choose from. So few PG ....

    Okay, here's one.

    When I was 17 and my husband and I had just started dating, we went to the beach often. One time, I wore this itsy-bitsy black "pirate" skirt with a pair of play handcuffs attatched to the little corset loops on the front. While we were walking down the beach, I noticed that the cuffs kept dragging my skirt down so I took them off and tossed them into my bag.

    I had a curfew of 10 pm.

    We went to leave the beach at 9:00 and were pulled over by a police officer for going through a stop sign that we couldn't see through the officer's brights. I got home at 11 pm and my parents searched my bag.

    They found the cuffs and I was screamed at for being a filthy [insert prostitute here]. Apparently no one remembered looking at my wardrobe before I left the house, except for my little brother who spoke up in the morning while everyone was still yelling at me.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Odusgulp- i thought your profile picture was of you stabbing something!

    No, but I did kind of mutilate that cork...

    Can't say that I read that as "cork." I was thinking "She's really beautiful and if I knew her, I'd ask her out.."

    Maybe not now :)

    BWAH! CO-R-K :)
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    I was 18, living in Montana and it was winter. This 21 year old guy had been begging my roommate to set us up on a date so she finally did. We decided to go to a White Trash Wednesday party with him so I didn't have to be alone with him. Since I was underage I drove. We went out to pick him up and then drove the 10 miles to the party. Once we got there he went to play a game while I said hi to the people I knew. Not even 5 minutes later they were calling my name to come get my "date" and take him home because he was trashed (he started drinking way before we picked him up).

    On the drive home he puked in my car. At a stop sign he opened the door and refused to close it because he had farted and was trying to get the stink out (note: it was winter and Montana so it was freezing outside). I finally got him home and had to fireman carry him to his room where he attempted to take my clothes off and nearly puked on me. Worst date ever.

    Crackin' up on this one! At least he opened the car door! He could have just left it all sealed up with the heater going and acted like he was passed out. Oh, no sorry that was one of my dates! He was not a keeper.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Note to self: Do not get naked in car.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    So many to choose from. So few PG ....

    Okay, here's one.

    When I was 17 and my husband and I had just started dating, we went to the beach often. One time, I wore this itsy-bitsy black "pirate" skirt with a pair of play handcuffs attatched to the little corset loops on the front. While we were walking down the beach, I noticed that the cuffs kept dragging my skirt down so I took them off and tossed them into my bag.

    I had a curfew of 10 pm.

    We went to leave the beach at 9:00 and were pulled over by a police officer for going through a stop sign that we couldn't see through the officer's brights. I got home at 11 pm and my parents searched my bag.

    They found the cuffs and I was screamed at for being a filthy [insert prostitute here]. Apparently no one remembered looking at my wardrobe before I left the house, except for my little brother who spoke up in the morning while everyone was still yelling at me.

    If my 17 year old daughter ever dared to wear a tiny pirate skirt with handcuffs, I'd lock her in the basement till she was 30.