Desk job isn't an excuse!

I was doing some thinking this morning as I've been with my employer for four years today. These last four years have been SO different than the four previous years! 2003-2007 I was working out 5 hours a day as a division 1 athlete. Then, from 2007-2011 I got a desk job and led a very sedentary life, with short periods of workout motivation thrown in there. I had foot surgery to finally fix the injury I sustained in college and used that as an excuse not to work out for awhile because it hurt (would pushups or crunches have hurt my foot? nope...)

It was a really difficult transition for me to go from athlete to desk job - my current job is great, but it isn't my dream job. I would love to be more active and hope one day to be able to stay at home with my children until they go back to school. After that, no clue what I want to do :)

In the meantime, I'm removing the desk job excuse from my thought process. I can do things during the day to ensure a healthier life - I take the steps up 4 flights, go on walks whenever I can leave my desk, and get in a workout BEFORE work so I can enjoy my nights with my husband and puppy. Sometimes I want to kick myself for allowing my health to decline so much - but what good does that do? I'm eating better now than I ever have and I've gotten into a routine of working out 6 days a week.

18 pounds down and 71 to go - desk job in tow!


  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    I work a desk job as well, it's incredibly frustrating. I've been a CNA before as well as worked in shops where there is physical lifting and moving your entire shift. I truly miss that type of work sooo much, I am horrible at sitting at a desk all day. It may sound silly but by the time I get outta work i'm simply exhausted from sitting starring at a computer all day.

    I feel ya sister, your not the only one!

    We can still lose weight and sit on our *kitten* all day :drinker:

  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    I so feel where you are coming from. I played soccer in college and when I chose not to do that any longer I became an aerobics instructor and joined the fencing team, I just couldnt sit still. Then I a desk job, became lazy and ate horribly. Oh yeah, then I got PCOS. I couldn't get a handle on it. I would work out for a bit and watch what I would eat (and not lose anything due to PCOS), then quit and gain more weight. I am now getting ahold of everything and losing weight. 18 pounds down and only 15 more to go until my lowest weight when I was an athlete. I am hoping for 25 more pounds due to not having nearly as much muscle mass as I did when I was a full-time athlete. Good luck in your journey!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Good for you. I too love my job, but hate that I have to sit for 8 hours a day in front of a computer. We just have to make that extra effort to move during the day (I sneak in squats and lunges while waiting for the photocopier, or a few wall pushups... WHAT A FOOL!).

    Just as a side note... if that's you in your profile picture, I hope your goal is not to lose 71 pounds! You will disappear.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Haha - mariabee, that's a picture of me in 2006 when I was a senior in college, so I was in the best shape of my life. I put it as my profile picture so I could see it every day and be motivated! So far it's really helping :) I try not to focus on what I look like now, but what I will look like in the next year or two!

    Andee08 - it seems like everyone I swam with stayed in great shape over the last few years and it's just me with this struggle, but I know there are more people out there like you and I!! Thank you so much for the comment

    MrsBroscoe - LOVE THIS ---> "We can still lose weight and sit on our *kitten* all day" haha. You're absolutely right!

    Thanks for the comments - just wanted to share what I was thinking today :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Every day I think how lucky I am to have the job I do.

    While I work a desk job (IT guy), I work for the recreation department at a college, so health, wellness and exercise is a big focus for our department. A bunch of us play basketball at lunch a couple of times a week, and getting in a good run or quick bike ride is no problem. Showers/locker room are about 50' from my office... it's good to be me!
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I have an 8-5 desk job *sigh* Since we are friends, I didn't know if you saw this post I made a little while back, but I recently purchased one of these to put under my desk. I get in about 30-45 minutes on it a day and sometimes more if I'm in the office alone. It's super quiet and totally worth the money. The resistance control is great. It makes me feel better about sitting on my butt all day in front of a computer.
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    I have an 8-5 desk job *sigh* Since we are friends, I didn't know if you saw this post I made a little while back, but I recently purchased one of these to put under my desk. I get in about 30-45 minutes on it a day and sometimes more if I'm in the office alone. It's super quiet and totally worth the money. The resistance control is great. It makes me feel better about sitting on my butt all day in front of a computer.

    This is sheer genius!!! I'm going to start saving my pennies, WOW... never would have thought of that!