Wii Fit games - suitable for those living in flat/apartment!

Hi all, I try to get to the gym 3 times a week, but want to be doing some sort of exercise every day. However, I am an office jockey as my ex used to call me, and unfortunately a bit of a workaholic too which makes gym daily difficult more than 3 times a week (I have joined a 24/7 gym things should change but it's just opened and closes at 10pm at the moment.) Sooo, in the meantime, I am using Wii Fit if I get in late. Problem is, to get a good burn you have to get to a couple of hours on it it seems! The other day I finished up at 11.30pm and didn't get to sleep until 1 as all fired up - not good for early starts at work! My friend is using Zumba, and I've heard the dance one is great too, (another but) I live in a converted Victorian house with honestly the poorest sound insulation I've ever had. So - does anyone know of a good Wii game with a good burn in a shorter period that doesn't involve getting complaints from the neighbours about the thundering around on my wooden floor? To give you an idea, the step is ok, but the jogging isn't on Wii Fit.

(I should say also - I get out most lunchtimes for a 45 min walk, but cannot walk at night alone when I get home, live in city etc etc). I know the gym is best, but I figure something on non gym days better than nothing.


  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    I am guessing that you are the one upstairs? lol. I live in an apt but I'm down stairs so I dont have that big of an issue with the wii fit bothering my neighbors. I would suggest the regular wii sports game with the boxing.. I hear that burns tons of calories and its not so "loud"... Sorry Im not much help. I hope someone can give you a bit of info that will work for you!! :)
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    the just dance games!!! makes me feel like an idiot sometimes playing it, but I'm breathing hard and covered in sweat by a half hour in!
  • BeccaAnderton
    Try the boxing & tennis on wii Sport, both of them burn around 150kcals for half an hour, and don't require massive amounts of stomping about :)
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    The Free Step is a good one - I like to add ankle and hand weights and I want to build my own riser (because, yes, you can buy one, but it seems overpriced for what it is) and watch a tv show. Sometimes I'll even do it twice - it's better than sitting on my butt. The island cycling and rhythm boxing are also good, and the Super Hula Hoop Plus and flying chicken make me sweat.. I'll also string together a bunch yoga and strength training exercises in 30 or 45 minute chunks using the My Routine screen. It's not as good as a gym, but it's in my home, it's quiet, and you can burn 450 or better calories in an hour and a half or less.