Body By Vi...Does it Work?



  • HikerRR50
    HikerRR50 Posts: 144 Member
    Why meal replacement shakes of any type work: They remove YOU from the choice of what to eat. You are still the problem when you stop drinking the meal replacement shakes. You are much better off simply learning what to eat for your own goals than to rely on a temp shake solution - IMO

    That being said I could lose weight on a shamrock shake diet if I only drank two per day.....hmmmm are they for sale yet?
  • threefancy
    threefancy Posts: 93 Member
    I wonder if the OP decided to go with it...2 and a half years ago

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I did the body by vi challenge and lost 54 lbs in 90 days!!!!

    That sounds healthy.
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    Its a good challenge and nice meal replacement item. Think the protein is a bit tooo pricey personally but its cool tho. I'm actually wanting to buy some for my shakes cause that sweet cream flavor is PERFECT for smoothies!
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    My brother-in-law sells the product and he and my sister are on their 2nd 90-day challenge.

    In essence, for losing weight, it does work. My sister has lost 2 dress sizes so far, and my brother-in-law has put on muscle. Body by Vi has different programs depending on your goals.

    Now I'll mention my concerns, which others have probably noted on here, about the weight loss program. The main concern is that it's a meal replacement program. My sister replaces breakfast and lunch with a protein shake. It does leave her feeling full and I've tried one. It left me full until lunch and was tasty - it was about 150 calories and made from protein powder, unsweetened almond milk, and a banana. However, what happens after the 90 day challenge is over? My sister hasn't learned what she should eat for breakfast and lunch if she decides to stop, though I hear they have a maintain level too with only one shake a day. So you're either committing to it forever, or the weight will end up coming back.

    If you're trying to build muscle, it seems like a better program. All it really changes (eating wise at least) is that you add a protein shake to your meals, and I'm guessing it gives a workout schedule? I'm not really sure. No one I've talked to, including my family, has said it does anything other than give you shakes to eat. Body by Vi has a lot of people doing the challenge, and a lot of great results. I have a hard time finding long-term success rate though, or how well people have done if they leave the program.
  • ameyer1
    ameyer1 Posts: 15 Member
    Body by Vi and Shakeology are a load of bullsh*% , completely processed crap. Don't waste your money...make your own at home with fresh fruits an vegetables.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I wonder if the OP decided to go with it...2 and a half years ago

  • DanielleDuval
    DanielleDuval Posts: 17 Member
    Very well said! 100% agree.
  • DanielleDuval
    DanielleDuval Posts: 17 Member
    Sad to say but many of on these threads tend to get so childish when replying to other's responses, thoughts, and opinions on here. Many of you lack respect for others- why not just post your response in adult manner without offending others. Visalus is a weightloss tool just like any other. It's your choice if you decide to try the program or not. Just like MFP, Sparkpeople, Nutrisystem, Weight watchers, Jenny Craig, HCG, blah blah blah , these are all weightloss tools to help you with your weightloss journey. Ultimately it's up to you to decide what works for you, and your lifestyle. It's unfair to post on here that one company "sucks" or that "this is better than that". If something didn't work for you , just be an adult about it and say that. At the end of the day , if you follow a program to the "T" and do that is required to make it work- it will work. Some people lack the dedication to complete a program in it's entirety and quick to lash out and be negative and start posting things that are not true on here, and everywhere.

    Very well said! 100% agree.

    Those of you starting a weightloss program , whatever your choice maybe , I don't suggest coming on here to get a solid opinion to help you make your choice. Your going to get a lot of negative people who didn't commit to their journey bashing companies , and it will literally make you doubt whatever your choice was to begin with. Do your research, get informed, and find out if it will be a good fit for you, and if it works for you, tell the world about it! :-) God Bless !
  • tessalees
    tessalees Posts: 1
    I have been on the body by vi for two weeks now and i can honestly say i feel amazing i am sleeping better. For the past three years i have not slept properly but i do now.
    And as for when my challenge is over i will not put my weight back on as it helps you get into choosing healthy foods its not a magic shake you do have to look at your habbits ect .i am really enjoying it i dont regret buying it .
    Before vi i would go all day without eating till evening time when i would just pig out .not anymore .i have porridge every morning with my vi mixed in .so for those saying that its just shakes NO it isn't .
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    And as for when my challenge is over i will not put my weight back on as it helps you get into choosing healthy foods its not a magic shake you do have to look at your habbits ect

    So in other words... you have change your eating habits and choose healthier foods.

    So the shake is irrelevant then.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    I have a friend who lost lots of weight on this. But I have noticed on her Facebook she keeps downplaying how long the weight loss has taken her. I have another whose husband and son got really sick. I was a salesperson for a little while but never made anything and was required to buy $125 a month to maintain. I did lose some weight but I think it was more due to weight watchers which I was doing at the time. If you are trying to increase your protein there are many less expensive products that are not only better but less expensive. My dietitian recommended looking for one that is mainly whey isolate. Body by vi does not meet that criteria.

    Definately do not get involved with the company. I run from mlm's now.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    I have been on the body by vi for two weeks now and i can honestly say i feel amazing i am sleeping better. For the past three years i have not slept properly but i do now.
    And as for when my challenge is over i will not put my weight back on as it helps you get into choosing healthy foods its not a magic shake you do have to look at your habbits ect .i am really enjoying it i dont regret buying it .
    Before vi i would go all day without eating till evening time when i would just pig out .not anymore .i have porridge every morning with my vi mixed in .so for those saying that its just shakes NO it isn't .

    Would you mind checking back in a month or so to see how you are progressing? I would be curious to know if you are still eating healthy and sleeping well.