Zumba AND???



  • With the workouts you're doing, your core should be toning, given you're eating the right foods. Perhaps you need to reassess your diary, make it public so we can see your consumption. Its hard to recommend something when the whole picture isn't presented. All food diaries are not created equal. It all matters: quality calories, fat intake, carbs quality and sugar intake. These make a tons of difference. I used to think that a six pack was a dream, even when I was a very active athlete during my teens and early twenties. I was working out then, as much as I workout now, but downfall then was not keeping a good clean diet. Today, the workout is the same as when I was 15 or 27, but today I'm 39 with two kids, 5 yrs and 19 mos, and I sport a damn visible six-pack, thanks to the clean diet and workouts.

    OK, I got called out... but actually, I had only hidden it 2 days ago to see if anyone would notice and only my friends who are true to me bothered/noticed it. Good to have friends who actually follow up to see how you're taking care of yourself. Sixpack.. YOU ARE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AN AWESOME FRIEND!!! :smooched: