I am so scared of my pending vaction starting on Sunday. It was kind of an impromtu type of deal. We decided last week to head to the Jersey Shore for a week. I'm so scared!!!

My hubby who has been supportive thus far (a whole 3 weeks in LOL) said I might as well chalk next week up as a loss. I don't want to do that though. But I'm going to be surrounded by bad food choices ALL DAY! Everyone will be eating icecream, funnel cakes, boardwalk fries, pizza, burgers, etc. I feel like the only time I can make healthy food choices will be at dinner when I can choose a green salad with grilled chicken or something. But breakfast is going to be a problem. They'll be eating pancakes, french toast, home fries and all types of other deliciousness and I'm supposed to ask for a boiled egg and a slice a toast??? Hmmmph!

I'm also concerned because there is no work out facility. I'm not a great runner, so running on the beach is out. I could walk on the beach to get my exercise. I was also thinking of just bringing my work out DVD's with me to get them in the morning and possibly night to offset the bad calories.

Any ideas?? On how I can stay healthy during my vacation....I've been doing so good and I would hate to ruin it. I know me, I"ll eat bad next week and then say I will start eating well again when I return home but sometimes, that turns into the next day, and the next day okay I'll start next Monday or okay I'll start next month.



  • npace19147
    npace19147 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't know where at the shore you're going but last year we went to Ocean City and there was a Subway which was a lifesaver. It's actually near one of the Mack and Mancko's pizza places! Also in OC there are places you can rent bicycles and ride on the boardwalk, or just on the streets. Don't beat yourself up too much - maybe plan to have a few treats so you don't feel totally deprived. And keep logging your food - once you see the calories in some of those treats they may not look so good anymore! Good luck and enjoy your vacation!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    control what you can..stil log everything..drink loads of water to counteract the sodium intake. as far as breakfast..see if they have whole wheat pancakes/french toast..stick to turkey bacon and turkey sausage.have your eggs..ask for low cal syrup if they have it.

    so you will be able to control breakfast..and definitely if you splurge a bit on should be ok.

    Definitely take your DVDs with you..and walking in sand is a great idea for a workout..nice ocean breeze..the sound of the will do fine..

    have a great time!
  • suzyqs4
    suzyqs4 Posts: 20 Member
    Vacation fun. How about for breakfast having a vege omelet? Some restaurants I have visited while traveling actually have Weight Watchers meals which would be helpful. If burgers are involved maybe skip the bun? Good luck in your travels.
  • Syntax_Error
    Syntax_Error Posts: 77 Member
    There are always healthy options if you look for them. I had the same concern on vacation, but you just need to focus on knowing how good it feels to push through and not falter. Enjoy yourself, just don't overdue it.
  • Hey there! You can do it! I am only 10 days in to this round of "dieting" and Here is what has helped me tremendously: Getting 25> fiber a day and eating my five servings of fruits and vegetables first. It has stopped all of the normal cravings that I get, and literally changed how I feel all together: I don't feel like I can't do this for the first time out of hundreds of attempts!
    Get to the store and get la tortilla factory smart and delicious low card high fiber (12 g) tortillas. Get fruit leathers or fruit strips: all fruit and juice concentrate - none of the ones with added sugar. Hummus - trader joes has an excellent jalepeno and cilantro - low calorie one. baby carrots and raw spinach. Oatmeal packets. Safeway brand Eating right low calorie salad dressings (found in refridgerator isle) and Eating right nutrition bars. Keep a stash of good stuff with you at all times: bananas, apples and oranges travel well and have their own packaging! Premake some tortillas with whatever veggies ahead of time. eat the hummus with carrots for a good fiber snack.
    When I really paid attention to my fiber intake throughout the day, and tried to get 5 servings (Total) of fruit and veggies by the time dinner came around I find that I am full - and satisfied without alot of cravings - and I don't overeat. If you strive for this first, then I would say let your dinner time be free to eat what you want. If you are going to eat alot, just up your excercise - and do it before you eat bad stuff so that you are not tempted to eat so much.
    Also, share with your husband, and ask him to hold whatever treat you get and pass it to you when you want some. My husband does this for me: he doesn't ever make me feel bad for asking for it, and usually, he ends of eating 60% of it. I just cut 60% of my calories by doing that one thing!
    Also, icecream, funnelcakes, boarwalk fries are always going to be there. It is hard to not eat them when it is a "special treat" you only get every once in awhile, but save it for 6 months into dieting.
    All the special treats have totally sabotaged me and I have realized I've got to change that. for myself, I've totally cut out alcohol - we just had to many gatherings and social events, and I was drinking too much. The added calories don't belong on your thighs!
    If all else fails, forgive yourself, and get back on the saddle the next day, and the next day. Long term eating right is the goal, right? If you know yourself and think you are going to eat this stuff for sure, allow one treat a day without feeling guilty. It is better than eating something, feeling guilty, and then saying, "oh well, I messed up, I might as well eat this..and that...and that too!!! I leave room to eat some chocolate every day, because this helps me: i just limit it to one serving, and not the whole big candy bar now.

    Good luck Sistah! You can do it!!!! - and great idea bringing the excercise tapes: I did when I traveled last week, and it helped - I went to the pool and was embarrassed to get in and swim laps. Having the tapes helped me excercise privately in my room.

    Best of luck - let us know how it goes!!!
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    what about switching to maintenance while you're gone? That will give you a little more leeway in your calories, and you won't gain. This would mean writing the week off for losing, but I'd rather stay the same one week than gain.

    Also, pick your battles. choose one meal each day that you can indulge (intelligently! don't go crazy!) a bit, and do your best the rest of the day. Maybe you eat some pancakes one day...skip the butter, use half the syrup you think you need, eat two pancakes instead of four. You want a funnel cake? Get one, split it with someone, pick the lightest topping option they offer. No matter what, you're going to have to pack your willpower and work hard at using it if you don't want to go completely off the rails. But there are ways to make it easier on yourself.

    Also, make a real effort to get some exercise. I know I eat better if I've been exercising, because I don't want that effort to feel as though it were wasted.
  • AngelaWeber
    AngelaWeber Posts: 95 Member
    Wow you guys gave some really good advice!! I really appreciate it. I think I can do this. One treat a day sounds good to me!! And cutting back everywhere else is also a good thing. I love veggie omelets mmmmhhhmm!! And I'm sure there is a subway around there somewhere. I think I'm so scared because I've never actually sought out the healthy options in these places, I'm sure they are there I just have to look for them.

    Thanks sooo much guys feel free to add me as friend. I just maybe requesting some of you :smile:
  • AngelaWeber
    AngelaWeber Posts: 95 Member
    what about switching to maintenance while you're gone? That will give you a little more leeway in your calories, and you won't gain. This would mean writing the week off for losing, but I'd rather stay the same one week than gain.

    Also, pick your battles. choose one meal each day that you can indulge (intelligently! don't go crazy!) a bit, and do your best the rest of the day. Maybe you eat some pancakes one day...skip the butter, use half the syrup you think you need, eat two pancakes instead of four. You want a funnel cake? Get one, split it with someone, pick the lightest topping option they offer. No matter what, you're going to have to pack your willpower and work hard at using it if you don't want to go completely off the rails. But there are ways to make it easier on yourself.

    Also, make a real effort to get some exercise. I know I eat better if I've been exercising, because I don't want that effort to feel as though it were wasted.

    Wow I never thought of switching to maintenance, that way I won't feel horrible if I am over my calories the entire week. Thanks!! That's a great idea :happy:
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    I wanted to add my two cents but everybody has offered great advice. Find the balance between how you'll feel if you overindulge and how you'd feel if you completely deprive yourself. You'll be fine. Have faith in yourself.