Good amount of protein from cereal type breakfasts?



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I second the fish idea. I do smoked mackerel, or smoked cod. I draw the line at kippers as do my flatmates. Takes a week to clear the smell......
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I usually eat the traditional egg type of breakfast, but I want to increase my variety, but it is awfully hard to have enough protein those other ways.
    I like to have a good size breakfast and I am aiming to eat 450 calories +/- 50. I like to get at least 20-25 g of protein from that meal and at least 10 gr of fiber, which keeps my hunger in the bay until lunch. ( or at least 30-35g from the combination of the 2.)

    I tried the whole wheat bread with peanut butter, fruit and milk breakfast , I tried the oatmeal/ milk + nuts and fruits breakfast , but I do not see how to get enough protein this way.
    I like to get my calories and nutrients from food, so I am not fan of protein bars and shakes and what not.
    Shoot me with your eggless high protein breakfast ideas, please!
    I say it depends what you do. If you have a muscle grinding morning then I would always go with the meat, egg whites and multigrain morning. If you just run in the morning I would go without the meat.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Baked beans! Heinz make them in handy snap pots, microwave in 1 minute.

    Add a slice of wholemeal toast if you can spare the carbs.

    Or yoghurt with nuts and seeds.